小编:袁龙 757过去一年里,雅思考试出现了大面积抽查,临时换题,AB卷等各种各样的形式来折磨广大雅思考试。今年首场雅思考试也同样出现了AB卷,而且此次AB卷是听力、阅读、写作各有两份不同的试卷。更有小伙伴在群里惊呼C卷的存在。本文将对首场的作文进行点评。
【作文题目】The chart shows participation ofAustralian children in sports outside school hours in 2010.
剑桥真题4 Test 3考察的澳大利亚高中毕业后男女不同学历的比较。
Differencesbetween countries have become less evident. For example, nowadays the samefilms, fashions, brands and TV programmes are found worldwide. To what extentdo you think the disadvantages of this outweigh its advantages?
Globalizationprovides conditions for expanding the international communications andstrengthening mutual understanding among nations, as well as widens the cultural,economic and scientific cooperation. Although it boosts the process of modernizationand the enrichment of culture, I am still convinced that there still exist somepotential risks for this trend.
Globalizationcreates the possible danger of diminishing the national culture and exerts theadverse impacts on the conservation of identity. Through globalization and theopen door policy, the country is exposed to numerous erroneous concepts andlowering ethical standards. Besides, some detrimental cultural products or theselfish individualistic lifestyle may pour into the daily life. The younggenerations are too immature to have the capacity to distinguish right fromwrong. They might be corrupted by the misleading information and go astray inthe end.
Inthe process of economic globalization, inequality between the developed anddeveloping nations has become fierce, while the gap between the wealthy and theimpoverished has widened. Only the developed ones gain benefits from this trendthat does not pose the same interests and risk to both sides. Compared withmost countries that are striving under the poverty line, developed countries,with the advantage in terms of finance, science and technology, play a dominantrole in the globalization.
Forthese reasons stated above, globalization is a complicated and complex strugglefor the developing countries with regard to the cultural and ideologicalaspects. Globalization, like the fire, is a good servant, but a bad master. Weshould take the initiative in international economic integration, but fightingto prevent our culture from being assimilated should be prioritized.
Moregovernment money should invest in science teaching than other subjects for acountry to develop and progress. Do you agree or disagree?
Thanksto the improvement of science and technology, the distance of travel areshortened because of the invention of automobiles, the world becomes smallerwith the coming of airplanes, and the efficiency of work and study can beimproved owing to the computer and Internet. Although we benefit a lot fromscience, I am still convinced that the investment from the government should bebalanced on both the science teaching and other subjects, such as the humanityones.
Thedevelopment of arts and other humanity subjects can enable us to gain acomprehensive understanding of the society and provide the citizens spiritualenjoyment. For instance, literature gives us bliss and sorrow, rendering peopleabundant imagination; we have access to the nature of the world throughphilosophy; the aesthetic vales and talents are cultivated via arts, which isbeneficial in terms of distinguishing what is beautiful and ugly respectively.
Furthermore,the advancement of humanity subjects can boost the development of science and technologyas well. There are numerous facts proving that many scientists are also greatartists and philosophers. Da Vinci, the greatest artist famous for Mona Lisa,was also an expert in physics. Thus, arts can help in cultivating people’sthinking and imagination. This is the reason why arts should be compulsory forthe students in both middle schools and universities to develop their artisticand literary interest.
Imaginethat if the government only provides financial support to science and technology,the students might look down upon these humanity subjects. To sum up, scienceand arts are complementary to each other. The government should place equalemphasis on both fields.