小编:林迁 4172017年8月雅思考试准备的如何了,雅思口语part2&3部分预测,环球教育名师林迁,根据7月份题库预测基础上,又做了更完善的补充!希望对同学们8月雅思考试有所帮助哦!
People 人物篇
1. Describe a person who helped you in study or life ( who, why youthink study is easy )/A helpful people in work/study p3: 不同的人工资应该不一样么?为什么?为什么喜欢你的职业?你认为以后工作会用到学习的内容么?具有什么特别资质的人会很有用?
2.Describe a person you want to know more about (描述你想知道知道更多的人) P3: 中国人如何交朋友?朋友间什么最重要?
3. Describe a clever person to solving the problem ( who, when,where, why do you think he/she is clever)p3: 你认为现在有很多小孩子有很多好习惯么?你认为小孩子是先天聪明还是后期培养的?你认为在某一方面很聪明但在另外一方面努力学习会有效果么?Born to clever or not ? Need to learn to be clever ?
4. Describe two people from the same family (描述来自同一个家庭的两个人) p3: 现在跟过去和家人相处有什么区别?亲人重要么?
5. Describean experience you spend time with a child ( what did you do,when didyou do, how do you feel) P3: how to teachchildren ? Is sweet agod thing to reward them ?
6. Describeaninteresting neighbor (描述一个有趣的邻居) P3:邻里关系咋样? 住在大城市和乡村的区别? 怎么改善邻里关系?
7. Describe a polite person (描述一个有礼貌的人, who is he , how well you know about him , why you think he ispolite ) P3: 乡村还是城里人更polite ? 举一些中国人有礼貌的例子?
8. Describe a famous person (描述一个名人) p3: 成为名人都有什么方式?网络直播你怎么看?现在出名的人和之前的有啥不同?
9. Describeanimportant family member who has great influence to you( made you proud of) (描述家庭成员里对你影响大的重要的一位(who, 对你做了什么事影响大, 这件事在哪里发生)P3: 待更新.
10. Describe a happy couple /a couple that are married (描述一对恩爱的夫妻who are they, how long their marriages , why you think they arehappy ) p3: 关于婚姻的讨论,比如婚礼花的钱,现在生活中夫妻男女地位,你认为男生在婚姻中扮演什么角色? The best age to marry ? Do you think Chinese wedding is waste a lot of money ? why ? why use a lot of money for the wedding? why just don’t save it to do other thing ? Should 男女在婚姻中要有各自的任务么?
Objects 物品篇
1. Describea foreignfood you ate before (描述一种你吃过的外国食品) (是什么,什么时候吃,在哪里吃,为什么要吃它)P3:什么食物你这受欢迎?为啥?为什么美国食物也受欢迎?中国南北饮食差异,为什么?
2.Describe an important equipment in your house (描述你家中的一个重要的设备) P3: whatare the importantmachines in your house and why ? Does everyone own thismachine in your country? what machines do you expect in the future? Why ?
3. Describe a vegetable or plant you like best in China( 描述在中国你最喜欢的植物) ( 什么样子,在哪生长,你喜欢还是不喜欢它?) p3:你养过植物么?周围有人养植物么?他们为什么养?自己养个植物有什么感觉?你认为将来会不会有更多的人自己种菜吃?为什么?小孩子在中国会被允许种田么?对于在城里的人,他们在哪种田?以后人们为什么会对种田感兴趣? 为什么环境会影响种植蔬菜或者植物?在室外室内种植有什么不同?想过做一个farmer吗?
4. Describe a gift ( free meal or gift or sth. Else) (描述免费的礼物,一餐,一个礼物或别的) p3: 是否大家都喜欢免费的东西?有什么免费的public equipment , transportation important ? 政府应该提供免费的东西么?
5. Describe an occasion that you have a cake that is special (描述你吃过的cake一个场合) what kind of cake , why when, with whom ) p3: special food in China inspecial festival ? Are the food now good than in the past ? is it important to communicatewith families ? cook at home ? when eatspecial food ? have meal with family ?
6. Describe one of your favorite clothing. 描述你最喜欢的衣服(what it looks like , how did you get it , do you often dress it ,explain the reason why it is your favorite clothing)p3: Do all people enjoys shopping for clothes ? Why some people likeshopping with friends ? why people like shopping for clothes online ? what risks would take when shopping online ?what special clothes do Chinese wear on official or formal occasions?
7. Describe a statue or painting you saw (描述一个你见到的一个雕塑或画, 什么样子,在哪见到的)p3: 中国除了雕塑外还有在艺术方面有名气的么?人们为什么要去画廊?人们第一眼看到一幅有名的画是什么感受?年轻人和老年人在欣赏画方面有什么区别?为什么画家在中国没有好的工资?
8. Describea book like reading (描述你最喜欢读的书) p3: 在中国什么人喜欢看书?年轻人喜欢看什么书?