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2013年9月28日 雅思口语考试考题回顾



小编:环球雅思李帆 965
摘要:2013年9月28日 雅思口语考试考题回顾--苏州环球教育学校 李帆

Part 1出现的旧题,name, work or study, subject, house orapartment, hometown, subject, news, history, painting, singing, advertisement,trees, 新题主要有关于sunshine, cycling

九月雅思口语会出现大量换题,比例约三分之一。所以搜集新题就显得尤为重要。以下是Part 2 & 3最新出现的新题。考生十月和之后的考生需要把这些话题准备起来。

Something(except phone & computer) that you can’t live without

An interestingconversation with someone you didn’t know

A placenear water


An idealhome

A subjectyou didn’t like

A group

A work ofart

A item ofclothing that you wear on formal occasions

Part 3:History of formal clothes in your country & People’s attitudes to formalclothes

Animportant letter

A familybusiness

A touristattraction

A sportsevent

A planfor the future

A favoriteseason

Part 3:What kind of work depends on the weather except crop planting?

Anoccasion you moved to a new house or school

Aoccasion when someone helped you

IELTSSpeaking Part 3: Weather & Seasons

1.What’s the difference between ‘season’ and ‘weather’?

Well thedifference is basically that seasons are a time of the year, whereasweather refers to atmospheric conditions, such as wind, rain, snow andsun. So it’s a pretty big difference!


2.  Please briefly describe the different seasons in China.

Ok,I’ll give it a try, but it’s not as easy as it might sound, the reason beingthat China’s such a huge country, so different parts of the countryexperience different weather conditions. But to put it simply, the spring inmost parts of the country is a pretty pleasant time of year, becausethe temperature is relatively mild. As for the summer, well inmost areas it’s extremely hot, and just to give you an example, herein Suzhou, the temperature gets up to about 42 degrees or so. Thenin the autumn, the temperature drops quite a bit, but when winterarrives, it can get really cold, especially up in the north of China.


3.  In general, do you think people prefer to live in very hot places orvery cold places?

That’sa good question, and I’m not all that sure, but I suppose most peopleprobably prefer to live in very hot places, because for example, ifyou compare the number of people living in the far north of the country,whereit gets extremely cold, to the southernmost part of the country,where it gets really hot, a lot more people live down south, at least as faras I know anyway. So I think this kind of shows that most people wouldrather choose a very hot place to live in as opposed to a cold place.

atleast as far as I know anyway – 至少据我所知是这样的         as opposed to… - 而不是

4.  In the future, what do you think will be some of the effects of globalwarming?

Well,from what I’ve seen and read, I think one of the likely effectswill be a rise in sea-levels, due to the melting of the polar ice caps.Although I have no idea of how much they will actually rise – hopefully not a lot!So that’s one thing, and as well as this, I think what will also happenis that more rivers and lakes will dry up as a result of globalwarming, and this has already started happening in many parts of the world.So unfortunately, it looks like the effects will all be pretty adverse.

adverse- 不利的; 有害的;        it looks like… - 看来

5.  For Chinese people, how important is protecting the environment?

I’d say it’s extremely important for most Chinesepeople. You know, I think it’s fair to say that most people in thecountry are aware of the need to look after and protect the environment,because it’s become clear that if we don’t, we will all be affected bythe negative consequences, such as water and air pollution.

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