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小编: 211

Part 1-3真题点评】

Part 1:三大必考题hometown, work or study,和 accommondation 仍然是考官的开场题目,在这一部分考生可以适当提前准备,但是在考场要要发挥自己的”演技”,避免被考官看出背诵痕迹. 同时本季度的新话题shoes,cooking,旧题plants,foreign food等也是考官重点考察的题目,同学们可以对于此类话题多加演习.

Part 2: 本场考试的话题多以地点类为主比如a beautiful city,, an interesting part of your city,同时物品类的话题也多有涉及.考生在进行part2部分的回答时,要比part1部分的思维更加的严谨有逻辑.在这一部分,会有一分钟提前准备的时间,考生要充分利用要这个时间.在这一分钟之内,考生可以写一些自己在平时练习时准备的关键词,以免在后面作答时紧张忘词.在考前切不可死记硬背模板,需要形成自己的内容,背模板可能会在考试的时候出现忘词的现象,从而影响考分.

Part 3第三部分就是学生的能力了,很多问题都是考官即兴提出的,这对于学生的要求就非常高,这一部分考察的不仅仅是考生的英文能力,对于学生逻辑思考的能力也是非常高,学生可以在考试之前先看一些已经出现了的part3问题,可以适当用上一些难句难词.


Describe a building you like

You should say:

what it is

where it is

hoe you got to know it

and explain why you like it





spacious 宽敞的

be stunned by 而震惊

millions of 成千上万的

jump into my mind 跃入脑海

precious memory 珍贵的回忆

pajama party 睡衣派对

costume ball 化妆舞会

not only… but also … 不仅而且




Well, I am going to describe 3-story library in my college, which is located in the south of the campus and fairly spacious. it is a very new building and there are some sculptures of famous ancient Chinese scholars standing around it. Its a 3 floors building and each floor has a special function.

The first time I went there, I was stunned by the millions of books displayed there and I felt like it is my second home. I could always find a quiet, private place where I can read or do my homework. And it is the first place that jumps into my mind every time I have to do any research.

The other reason is that there is an activity center in this library, to be more specific, the activity center is on the top roof of the building and I had a lot of precious memory there. That is a lovely place to spend time with your friends and classmate. There is always an activity going on there. Sometimes they show movies, organize board games or hold some theme parties like pajama party and costume ball.

So our school library is not only a place for students to do those academic things like other normal libraries, but also the paradise for every fun-loving person

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