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小编:Hosea 253


  Part 1考题总结


  Do you like to listen to music?

  What kinds of music do you like?

  Have you been to a concert or live performance?

  What are the differences between listening to live  music and from recordings?

  What kinds of music are popular in China?

  Is music an important subject at school in China?


  How often do you use computer?

  What kinds of computers are popular in China?

  What do you usually use your computer for?

  Who taught you how to use a computer?

  Do you think computers have changed your life a  lot?


  Do you use the internet (very much)?

  When was the first time you used the internet?

  Is the internet very important (or, useful) to  you?

  Do think you can (or, could) live without the  internet?

  Do you often (or, do you ever) buy things on the  internet?


  What app do you hope to  have?

  Do you want to make an  app by your own?

  What kinds of apps do  you often use?

  What kinds of apps do  you want to have?

  Do you often use apps on  cellphones?

  What kind of apps do you  ecpect in the future?

  Outdoor activities

  What do you do in your spare time?

  Do you like outdoor activities?

  What outdoor activity do you like to do?

  How often do you do that?

  How much time do you spend outdoor every week?

  Physical Exercise

  Will you do physical exercise?

  What kind of physical exercise do you like?

  Will you keep doing physical exercise in the future?

  Do people around you often do exercise?

  Do young people in your country often do exercise?

  Leisure time

  What’s your favourite way to relax?

  Do the old like to do the same activities?

  Do you have enough time to relax?

  Do you think it’s important to have leisure  time?

  Rainy Days

  Does it rain much in China?(Where? When?)

  Is there any part of China where it doesn’t rain much?

  When does it rain most in your hometown?

  In which season does it rain most in other parts  of China?

  Can you remember any time when it rained  particularly heavily in your hometown?


  What’s the best season of the whole year?

  What do people nomally do in that season?

  What sorts of weather do you like the most?

  Do you prefer hot or cold weather?

  Do you usually pay attention to weather forecasts?


  When do you usually get  up?

  How long do you think it  is healthy to sleep?

  What can you do to  improve sleeping quality?

  How much sleep do you  think is good for health?

  Do you think old people  sleep longer than young people? Why?

  News and Newspaper

  Do you like reading newspapers?

  What’s the importance of reading news?

  Do you read newspaper often?

  What kind of newspapers are there in your country?

  Do you prefer local or international news?

  What’s the difference between local new and international news?

  Part 2考题总结

  1.A popular person.

  2.A visitor in your home.

  3.A achievable  sportperson you admire.

  4.A famous/important  river in your country.

  5.A public facility that  you think need improvements.

  6.A city or country you  want to live the most in the future.

  7.A photo that you  remember well.

  8.A childhood toy you  had.

  9.Something special that  you saved money to buy.

  10.A TV series/drama you enjoy  watching.


  2018年1月13日的这场加试考题出现了十几个P1新题和二十几个P2新题,但是题目几乎都是从往年题库里回归的旧题,是典型的“新瓶装旧水”。所以考生碰到如sleep, handwriting, app 这样的“另类题目”时不要慌张,要跟自己平常的生活习惯联系起来,有条理的讲明白自己睡觉长短,手写/打字,或者为什么用app的原因就行。

  1月初遇到P2 新题时也要稳住心态,跟之前学过的题卡联想一下看看有没有类似的论据,如a vacation you want to have和a car trip you  have been to就完全可以是做同一件事(自驾游),考生只要阐述明白(喜欢这个活动的)原因就可以了。

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