小编:南絮 108以下是环球教育(原环球教育)教研中心为大家带来的“2016年5月28日、29日的托福考试口语预测”,希望对大家有所帮助!
Task 1
1. 如果有两所大学同时录取你了,一所是名牌大学,但学费很贵;另一所没名气,但给你提供奖 学金,你怎么选?
To be honest, it is a tough decision to make. But I would probably go to a great university with expensive tuition fees. First of all, everybody has the right to receive better education. The reason why I have been studying so hard is to get admitted by a prominent university. Otherwise, my efforts would be in vain if I didn’t go to the university I deserve to be in the end. Secondly, as a student, our main task would be learning instead of thinking too much about money. After being well-educated in a great university, we have got plenty of opportunities to earn much money in the future. Last but not least, financial problems could be easily solved by loaning money either from a bank or from our government.
2. Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you. Explain why you were annoyed.
I’d like to talk about an incident took place in the library last month. I was trying to finish my paper for my finance class. It was the most difficult paper I have ever written. This paper had bugged me for over an entire week. I had a habit of doing my assignments in the library due to its quiet environment. It is easy for me to concentrate. Unfortunately, the guy sitting next to me kept making telephone calls in a loud voice. Everybody, including me in the library was disturbed by his loud and rude voice. I asked him to keep quiet. He was reluctant to lower his voice although many people had already starred at him.