小编: 527四月雅思大作文预测及详解
1 Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other things. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
分析:既然是discuss, 这就意味着应该双边讨论。你可以有三个选择:A>B(幸福和经济成功的关系更大) B>A(幸福和其它因素的关系更大) A=B(幸福和这两个因素的关系同样大)。幸福和个人economic success 有何关系?A. sense of satisfaction—经济成功意味着一个人可以purchase自己想要的或do what he/she wants to do 而无经济困窘之虞。--long for 一件东西并能毫不费力买下,有一个dream并能轻而易举实现它—这能带给一个人sense of satisfaction—is closely related to happiness B. sense of pride—经济成功意味着一个人会被许多人admire甚至envy—这往往能给一个人带来sense of pride—after all, it is the recognition of his/her effort.—而这种自豪感会与幸福紧密相连。C. sense of achievement—in contemporary society—一个人财富的众寡往往会和其social status 的高低挂钩—经济成功意味着一个人的社会地位往往很高—standing high 而且能有一个bird-eye-view能给一个人提供一种sense of achievement—而这会和幸福关系密切。幸福和其他因素有何关系?当然,也有许多其他因素能带来幸福。For example, A. love--当一个人有人可爱或被人所爱时,幸福就会陪伴在其左右。老话说得好,to the world, one may be nobody, but to somebody, one may be the world.—爱与幸福的关系在于love enlarges happiness. B. helping others—当一个人在help others and ask nothing for return, 幸福就会出现。帮助他人时,一个人的heart full 一个人的soul purified—也就是说,幸福就是其biggest return and highest reward. C. friendship—literally, 友谊意味着friends in ship. Given closer analysis, 友谊的含义显然更深刻。--友谊不仅意味着两个朋友对某件事的共同认可,而且也意味着两个灵魂的harmony.—知音难觅,觅得后,sense of happiness appears. 结尾段:总结全文+升华(There is no way to happiness for happiness is the way in itself.)
2 Some people think governments should make investment in building public libraries in every town, while others think it is a waste of money because we have access to information via the Internet. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
分析:既然是discuss, 这就意味着应该双边讨论。你可以有三个选择:倾向于支持A观点,倾向于支持B观点,或者折中。为什么一些人认为建造公共图书馆是waste money? In this information-explosion world, 信息传播和获取的速度比以往任何时候都要更快。--survival of the fittest(物竞天择 适者生存)—惟有那些能符合pace of social development的媒体,才是真正被需要的媒体。--The Internet的三大特点—1 speedy 2 informative 3 diverse –to be more specific, 网络就像一个超大的信息存储器,它能用最短的时间,以最多样的方式如video/flash/text等将信息送到users 手中。--many assert that 既然如此,还要public libraries 干吗?何谓浪费?将limited resource 花在一些unnecessary things 上。为什么一些人认为公共图书馆仍然是必要的?A. depth in books 是类似像互联网等这类媒体永远也无法比拟的。--in some cases, 我们需要互联网给我们提供的那些 pieces of information in some other cases, 我们也需要deep thinking/intensive reading,而这是互联网无法给我们的。为有深度的书找到一个合适的存放地,libraries似为最佳。B. public libraries 所能提供的那种atmosphere 是互联网望尘莫及的。-- sitting in libraries silently, reading what one is fond of and sharing the authors’ ideas and experiences应该是最美好的事情之一了。这种氛围只有在图书馆中才能感受到。
C 公共图书馆也常常是城市坐标和城市citizens 人文素养的折射。When visitors visit new cities, 映入眼帘的如果都是各种高楼大厦—beggars in horses—有一些public libraries, 至少证明这个城市是一个爱书的城市,这个城市是一个人文素养很高的城市。 结尾:总结全文+展望未来
3 Some people think urgent problems can only be solved with international cooperation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
分析:首先搞清两个问题?一是采取何种结构?二是何为紧迫问题?如果想出的观点皆支持此命题,就写完全同意;如果想出的观点皆反驳此命题,就写完全反驳;如果想出的观点各占50%,就折中;如果想出的观点支持此命题方面多过于反对此命题的方面,就写倾向同意;如果想出的观点反对此命题方面多过于支持此命题的方面,就写倾向反对。What are urgent problems? The environmental contamination/global warming/economic recession/water scarcity/energy crisis/drying up of natural resources/infectious diseases/traffic congestion 等皆可算在全球共同面临的紧迫问题的范畴中。
1 international cooperation—efficiency—优势互补 资源共享 通力合作
2 international cooperation—sense of responsibility—国家虽有不同 地球只有一个—国际合作有时不是一种choice而是一种must—承担起自己应该承担的责任—国际合作就是展示责任感的方式。
3 international cooperation—communication—在解决这些紧迫的问题时,如能进行国际合作—communication 能被加强。各自为营,疏于沟通有时会让问题由于没得到及时处理而恶化。--ideas and approaches得以讨论和实施。--找到最适合的那一条。
1 问题虽然一样,国情市情却有不同。For example, Traffic congestion in New York 和in Beijing 是由不同原因造成的。--用来解决问题的ways 应该因国而异,因市而异,一味强调international cooperation 于事无补。
2 ideas and approaches—conflict and disagreement—不同的思路和解决方法往往会带来冲突和不一致—问题没解决了,先打起来了。
3 正如每个人应该为自己的言行负责一样,every nation should be responsible for what it did.—有些问题完全是一些国家为自己的发展所pay the price. 从公平角度而言,没道理让别的国家和你合作来共同为你由于你的发展而带来的问题买单不是?
4 News media are important in modern society. Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?
分析:既然是两个问题,那就采取四段式比翼双飞。两个主体段各回答一个问题。开头:背景—媒体 主题—新闻媒体 目的—我将会分析其原因并表明我的态度
第二段回答第一个问题 A. society—它们报导了what is happening in present-day society B. education—它们扮演了the role of education—truth is beauty/objectivity should be put in the first place/accuracy eclipse others. C. fairness—新闻媒体的盛行使得公平的理念被越来越多人accept
第三段回答第二个问题坏的影响—cheating misleading exaggerating report 使得人们be led astray—trust crisis好的影响:对governments 的supervision/对虚假的鞭挞/对the weak的关注/对客观和真实的追求—exert positive influences on society—makes the world better. 但总的来说,积极的影响更多。
第四段总结:新闻媒体中虚假报道可以通过一些措施来根除,而它们的积极影响显然更多。They will still play a vital role in the future.
5.Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make the life simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
分析:命题前面部分提出的了一个无可置疑的事实:to some extent, 技术的确让我们的生活变得复杂。但不能必然得出结论说不使用技术生活就会简单或所以如果我们想让生活简单,我们就不要使用技术。因此,此题写倾向反驳似乎更容易上手。
让步:To be admitted, various forms of technologies do make our day-to-day lives more complicated. 至少在很大程度上。Computers release people from hard manual work, 但与此同时,它们也占据了太多家人之间的交流时间,使得很多想法不能得到分享,彼此间的alienation 使得生活复杂化。Another example is that mobile phones 加强了人们之间的联系,但许多cheating and unwanted text massagers 给人们的生活增添了许多烦恼,使得原本平静而简单的生活复杂化。
主体:至少有三点可以反驳。A. in contemporary world, 生活中不使用技术几乎是mission impossible.—to be more specific, the technology becomes part of people’s lives.—living in a place like Shangri-La, 老死不相往来的日子只是golden memory. B. 从历史上许多例子来看,即便没有技术,我们的生活也没有更simple,而是更糟糕。What is is right.--凡是存在的,都是合理的。技术既然存在,要做的不是彻底不用,而是更合理的用。C. making life simpler也许可以通过其它方式来实现。In other words, it is possible 我们可以一边享受技术所带给我们生活的便利一边过上更简单的生活。--living habit/friends/families/travelling/plans—养成更好的生活习惯/精心挑选朋友/与家人一起/独自旅行和对工作合理的规划都会让生活更简单。
6.Do you think how important it is for people to want success in life? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic in achieving success?
分析:既然是两个问题,就采取四段比翼双飞。首段背景—成功 主题—转述 目的—干嘛
第二段回答问题一:A. wanting success in life—target—想要成功给了人们target—with it, 人们知道了努力的方向。B. wanting success in life—confidence—一个连想成功的心都不具备的人很难体现出confidence这种气质—自信是人们做起事来更从容。C. wanting success in life—pressure—想要成功会给人们带来一些压力—motivation—促使人们不断向前。
第三段回答问题二:ambition(抱负)对于取得成功而言,有积极的作用也有消极的作用。从积极作用来看,ambition—A. 看到别人看不到的未来—uncertainty—一往无前。B. 能有一个image and reputation—others are likely to cooperate with him/her. C. toughness—更坚韧—为了实现抱负而变得更坚韧。而courage, reputation and toughness 对于成功而言都很重要。消极:A. pressure—太大的抱负给人们带来压力—压垮 B. ambition and ability—抱负如和能力不符—unrealistic dream C. arrogant and bossy—太大的抱负心会让人们显得傲慢—communicate with him/her.
4 结尾:总结全文+升华
7.Some people think that everyone has the right to receive university education, so the government should make it free to all people regardless of their financial background. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
分析:此题的核心是,政府该不该让university education free to all。如果想出的支持理由多,那就赞同。如果想出的反驳理由多,那就反对。如果一样多,那就折中。
For: 1 right—as tax-payers, 人们已经pay the tax用于建设国家。接受free university education 似乎是他们不可剥夺的right.
2 society—if university education is free, more people with talents and abilities会选择接受大学教育。Among them will definitely be great scientists, artists, statesmen, businesspeople, teachers, to name just a few.--这些人对于社会发展而言,都是driving force.
3 fairness in education—many assert that 公平就是每个人should be blessed with equal opportunity—大学教育做为一种public resource—如果能向公众免费开放mirror fairness.
1 economy—cost—出于成本方面的考虑—恐怕没有任何一所大学能负担得起free education 所需要花费的cost—如果大学cannot make ends meet, 它的生存都有问题,这样的free似乎是meaningless.
2 fairness in education—这恰恰是教育中的不公平。--as for wealthy families, 负担大学学费对于它们而言a piece of cake,不会对家庭造成任何负担。As for impoverished families, 大学学费beyond their reach. 公平的一大体现不就是每个人做出匹配自己实力的贡献吗?poor or rich都不交,恰恰是教育不公平的最好例子。
3 right—as public resource—该不该免费应该由大众来决定。--governments have no right to决定该不该免费。
8. Nowadays, mobile phones and the Internet have become increasingly vital in people’s social life. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
好处:1 使得communication更便利。2 极大提高了efficiency。3 entertainment--娱乐无限,精彩连连。4 time—打破了时间限制。5 education—所接受的教育形式更加diverse 内容更加interesting 6 culture—enlarge 文化的connotation 7 technology—反过来推动technical innovations—更好服务人们的社会生活
弊端:1 time—be addicted to or be indulged in—会浪费宝贵的时间 2 communication—使得许多人face-to-face communication出现了问题—许多网络中‘big talker’在现实生活中几乎没有communication ability 3 health—对于人们的身心健康都有很大影响 4 family—living in a virtual world,与家人的关系alienation 5 friendship—不太容易交道真心的朋友。6 society—web users成为了next generation—对于社会的发展会有一些negative effects—比如说交流和沟通不畅产生的misunderstanding prejudice and discrimination 7 technology—过度依赖于技术所带来的便利和相信别人的观点deprive people of their imagination, creativity and critical thinking.
结尾:总结升华 double-edged sword—消除弊端optimistic —如果不能—pessimistic
Nowadays, consumers are faced with the advertisements from competitive companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures should be taken to protect consumers?
广告会如何influence consumers? Diverse 技术手段—sounds/pictures/plots/visual effects/slogans等等。--广告的目的有三:1 告诉consumers自己的产品是trustworthy 2 告诉consumers自己的产品是high-quality 3 告诉consumers自己的产品是unique –从而sell their products like hot cake(畅销)—手段方面—sometimes cheating/exaggerating/misleading 无所不用穷极。--as for consumers, purchase something they do not need, be tempted into an unhealthy lifestyle, follow the fashion blindly, 养成攀比恶习,或是keep up with Jones(打肿脸充胖子)。--既浪费钱又浪费时间。当然,也有一些positive influences—useful information—方便了购买 许多设计精良的广告具有artistic value—给人们美感和艺术享受。但瑜不掩瑕。
如何保护?1 competition—公平有序的竞争—只靠广告吹的自然淘汰。2 laws—立法—虚假 欺骗和夸张广告重罚 3 consumers--既然宣称你的产品无敌,你对你们产品有100%自信,能不能有一种机制让消费者先试用再购买或无条件退货?
Many people think that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The advantages for governments to conduct and control scientific research A. efficiency—政府在调配resource方面所拥有的merit是companies无法比拟的。效率之所以会高的一个主要原因就在于—suitable resource 放在suitable place. –物尽其用。B. effect—效果可能更好。Once scientific research取得了好的效果,政府可将其用于various sectors—in other words, 多项领域可从中获益。C. economy—cost—从成本方面考量—不太可能会有大量资金不知所向或seriously wasted 的情况发生。--in other words, cost 得到了节约。
The advantages for companies to conduct and control scientific research
A. Cooperation—如果由公司来实施和控制,能strengthen 不同公司的connection and communication—一个公司的力量是limited, 这就促使不同公司可以取长补短/互通有无。That is, strengths 能被maximized而weaknesses能被minimized. B. competition—fair and orderly competition—一直以来是推动social progress的driving force之一。--如果某项科学研究被一些公司实施和控制,另外一些同样有实力的公司会reflect—知耻而后勇—增强自己的competency—而对于winners(companies)—为了保持住自己的领先优势—不敢懈怠。--这样,一种公平有序的competitive atmosphere 就能被营造出来。C. efficiency—由公司来实施效率高。--scientific research 的success or failure有时直接决定一个公司能否survive—没有公司敢懈怠--有时,效率来自于一种 ‘逆水行舟,不进则退’的pressure. –这种压力也许能转化为enhance efficiency的motivation.
结尾:也许谁实施并不重要,what really matters 是这些科研能否sustainable, beneficial and widely-applied.