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小编:江艳 976
摘要:2014年1月9日雅思听力考题回忆--苏州环球教育学校 江艳

S1 V110219S1 一位男士咨询爬山课程(填空题)

What the course  is called

What the course  is about

When the course



How much the  courses cost

Taster sessions

To learn the  basic

1 skills

On  2 evenings

Each session  lasts one 3


Group sessions

To learn to work  together


Stage 2: the  climbing course

To learn  climbing with any 5

On 6


75 for adults

Stage 3

To learn  climbing on the 7

throughout the 8

One 9

140-does not  include 10

1.      safety

2.      Tuesday

3.      hour

4.      12

5.      supervision

6.      Thursday

7.      rock

8.      summer

9.      month

10  transport

S2 :V110219S2沙漠旅游Q11-13选择题+Q14-20配对题,给了几个著名的景区,然后对照着填在哪个景区做哪个活动不详)

11.What first attracted Naomi to gotravelling in the desert? A

A. the beautiful scenery she once saw

B. the things she heard about from herhusband

C. the incidents that happened to her

12.What was the most important thing intravelling in the desert?A

A.keep an open mind

B.take detailed maps

C. bring a lot of clothing

13 What was the best thing about travelling in a group for a long time toNaomi? B

B.the fun company in the evening

C.the feeling of trust built up

A.     Stay in a tented accommodation

B.     Go hourse riding

C.     Go mountain climbing

D.     Take the trips to see wildlife

14.Atacama B

15. Skeleton Coast C

16.  Moroccan Sahara  A

17.  Almeria B

18.  Gobi D

19.  Thar D

20.  Ulurr-Uta  A


21.  Why did Jenny get a low gradefor her report? C

A.     Her report was too long

B.She expressed different opinions from herprofessor

C.She hasnt given enough evidence for her opinions

22.  What did her tutor say aboutthe examples in her report? B

B.Some examples were inappropriate.

C.More important examples should have beenincluded.

23.What did Jennyfind most difficult to do? C

A.write anintroduction

C.decide howmuch detail she should include in her writing

24.What was thetutors advice to her? A

A.try to thepaper from the point of view of the target readers

C. read theprevious reports

25.decide the purposeof essay

26. find out whata reader knows and expects

27.Writeonesentence to summarize your idea

28.collect relevantmaterial

29. write an outline

30.write a full draft

S4:V110219S4=V08125S4=V08231S4学术讲座一—科技场景,介绍一个新的水处理系统Solar Power Purifier (填空题+图表标记题)

31. High levels of salts make bore water unsafe todrink.(salts是指多种矿物质,不是盐,所以用的复数)

32. SW40 makes thebore water clean it can be used in hospitals

33. SW40(型号) can work effectively but sometimes it is quite slow.

34. They want toget money from an agency called Health International

35. SW40 canprovide an maximum output 9 liters on a sunny day.

36. Each SW40purifies enough clean water for a family.(先出现了一个man每天用多少的水,后来出现了个family)

37. lid(盖子) is made of glass

38. UV raydestroys germs

39. SW40和水平面的夹角是12.5 degree

40. Water collectiontank that contains pure water

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