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摘要:2013年10月20日托福考试口语回顾及解析--苏州环球教育学校 曹潇

  Task1 真题回放:Describe a person you enjoy talking to. It could be a family or a friend. Explain why you like to talk with him.

  考题分析: 本题是属于人物类的题目,看起来还是比较简单的。 但是对于这类题目一定要注意读题。 对于这道题目而言,只有两问,既who and why。所以我们只需要解释为什么喜欢喝他聊天就可以了。 但是如果题目中还问你们喜欢谈论什么的话,就必须再答案中增加相应的内容,而这点经常被考生忽略。

  结题思路: 人物类的题目变化不大,只要我们将这个人的特点,以及对自己的影响说出来就可以了。在答题时没必要想太复杂。为什么喜欢和这个人聊天,因为这个人对我来说比较重要。把握这个原则那么这道题目就可以等同于谈论一个很重要的人了。在平时建议同学积累一些语言素材。对于人物类的题,准备一个重要的人就可以通用,比如:崇拜的人, 尊敬的人,征求意见的人。这类题目都可使用.

  Topic: my grandpa

  Supporting: 1. Knowledgeable


  2. Humorous


  Conclusion: so that’s why....

  Key: 语言细化,给出人物的职业和特点,用特点来说明原因。


  Personally speaking, I want to talk about my grandpa. He is a high school teacher. I like talking to him very much, because he is knowledge, and I can learn a lot of interesting things which I can’t get from class when I talk to him. Actually, I my eyes he is a book which covers everything in the world. I still remember when I was kid, I always had a lot of weird minds and questions. For example: why the sky is blue or why the moon isn’t always circle. He always has the answer and knows how to explain to me.

  Besides. He is very humorous. He can make jokes on everything in our daily life. Talking to him is a very happy experience. When we have a conversation, I think he is the only one do the talk, and I am always the person who is laughing.

  So, that’s why I enjoy talking to him.

  答案解析: 对于人物类的题目,我们一般情况下最好要给出这个人的特点,然后再来具体通过事例或者描述来解释这个特点。 这本题中,我们可以围绕说话来展开两个特点:知识渊博和风趣幽默。 这个两个特点都能使得我在聊天的时候获得好处,因此喜欢和他聊天。

  Task2 真题回放

  Some people prefer to watch a sport game from audience seat, others prefer to be in the sport field and compete with others. Which do you prefer? Explain why.

  考题分析:此类题是相对比较简单的生活类题目,并且是A,B比较题,既二选一。 答题时给大家两种选择方案。 1, 正面论证(A++) 2,正反论证(A+B-)。 本题由于较为简单,所以两个方案都可以。 重点在于理由必须充分,合理并且生动。

  结题思路: 提出观点(one position), 并且给出相应理由(2~3个)。 答案结构如下:

  Topic: I prefer to be in the sport and compete with others

  Supporting : 1. Good for my health (A+)


  2. Relax myself (A+)


  3. 不能锻炼身体 (B-)

  So that’s why

  Key: 本题由于是二选一,因此最好采用A+B-的答题策略。 对于B- 就可以直接在A+的理由上进行取非。

  Sample answer:

  Personally speaking I prefer to be in the sport field and compete with others. Because firstly I like sports very much. Actually I can play basketball very well. I think it is good for my health. During the game, I need to run, to jump which will help me build up my body.

  Besides, by playing basketball or other games, I will relax myself. You know, nowadays Chinese students are under great pressure. When I am tired of my study or assignment, outdoor activities can help me forget all my troubles in school. It is good for my study efficiency.

  But If I just sit there watch the game, I will feel bored because I lose the fun of competition with others. I will also lose the opportunity of doing some physical exercises which is good for my health.

  答案解析: 本题虽然说是task2,并且是二选一的题目。但是我们可以用task1中常用的运动类的语言素材来答题。 只要说明参与运动有什么好处就可以了,这个跟最喜欢的运动的理由其实是一样的。最后只要再把好处的其中一个取非,就能够作为反驳另外一个选项的理由。

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