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小编:长安 332

  雅思口语评分标准中,Band 7+要求答案中有idiomatic expressions,苏州环球教育杨晓娟老师网罗一些与球有关的idioms帮助大家提升口语idioms.

  The ball's in your court

  Take your eye off the ball

  On the ball

  Keep your eye on the ball

  Get the ball rolling

  Drop the ball

  Whole new ball game

  Play ball

  Curve ball

  A lost ball in the high weeds

  If someone say this (the ball is in your court ) to you, they mean that it's up to you to decide or take the next step.

  If someone takes their eye off the ball, they don't concentrate on something important that they should be looking at.

  If someone is on the ball, they are well-informed and know what's going on in their area of responsibility or interest.

  If someone drops the ball, they are not doing their job or taking their responsibilities seriously enough and let something go wrong.

  If you play ball, you agree to do what someone asks you to do, or to agree to work with someone in order to achieve something together (often negative)

  If something is a curve ball, it is deceptive.

  If you stay your eyes on the ball, you stay alert and pay close attention to what is happening.

  If something is a new ball game, it's completely new or different.

  A lost ball in the high weeds is someone who does not know what they are doing, where they are or how to do something.

  If you get the ball rolling, then you start something so that it can start making progress.

  这些FIFA World Cup 相关的词你会说么?干货请看↓↓↓

  goalkeeper 守门员,门将

  penalty area 禁区

  offside 越位

  injury time 伤停补时

  extra time 加时赛

  half time 中场休息

  semi final 半决赛

  quarter final 四分之一决赛

  the round of sixteen 十六强阶段

  the knockout stage 淘汰赛阶段

  the group stage 小组赛阶段

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  1990年意大利世界杯主题曲《To Be Number One》


  1998年法国世界杯主题曲《Do you mind if I play》

  2002年韩日世界杯主题曲《Boom》《Let's get together now》

  2006年德国世界杯主题曲《hips don't lie》《Time of our lives》

  2010年南非世界杯主题曲《waka waka》《Waving flag》

  2014年巴西世界杯主题曲《We are one》

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