小编:陈静 847真题回放:
T1:Flow Chart-driving license application atthe US.
T2:It is generally believed that economic progressis a way to measure a country's success. However, some people think that otherfactors are also important. What are the other factors? Which factor is themost important one?
T1: 流程图。美国驾照的申请过程。
T2: 人们普遍认为经济发展是衡量一个国家成功与否的重要方式。然而,另外一些人认为其他一些因素也很重要。其他因素是什么?其中哪向是最为重要的因素。
T2: 此篇大作文属于说明类机经老题,重复08.10.25机经
Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while somepeople think there are other factors. What other factors should be considered?Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others?. 说明类写作在去年出现频率较高,今年迄今为止出现的相对较少。总体而言,此篇大作文提问factors,相对抽象,在写作中注意化抽象为具体,可与考生熟悉的如environment类,culture类,education类等相互交融来写。注意写作话题有两个提问,这两个提问应该在文章的段落布局中予以体现。
P1: 直接回答问题并引出主题:衡量一国是否成功的因素除了economy以外,还应包括education,culture,environment,technologicalinnovations等一些soft power。其中education是一个国家成功与否的最重要因素。
P2: 论证culture的对国家成功的重要性。 The distinctiveand
distinguishedtraditional culture of a country means that it can substantially enlighten andedify the other parts of the world.
P3: 论证environment的重要性。The conservationof the environment and the sustainable use of the natural resources, to a largeextent, endow countries with more boost to gain and maintain the economicdevelopment.
P4:点出education是最重要的因素,并论证education的重要性。 However, among all the factors mentionedin the beginning, education, as the most significant contributor to thenational achievements, should be definitely included in the assessment of thesuccess of a country.
P5: 归纳上述观点, 总结全文。