小编: 114托福写作里提到过去和未来的时候,根据表达的内容需要,可以合理的使用一些虚拟语气。很多同学认为虚拟语气是很难掌握的,特别是使用在作文里。下面就总结好一些实用的虚拟语气知识。供考生们备考参考。
1. …would/should have done(动词的过去分词)…+if…
2. …may/might have done…(动词的过去分词)…+if…
3. …could have done…(动词的过去分词)…+if…
As a final point both the reading and lecture mention that Neanderthals had developed muscles in their stomach To argue against the reading’s assertion that these muscles helped Neanderthals to speak, the lecturer argues that these muscles could have been used for other purposes. Instead, she states that perhaps the muscles helped them to travel farther or climb mountains easier.
在讲座中,教授对于尼安德特人是否会说话这一争论给出了自己的见解,阅读中的观点是讲他们腹肌非常发达,所以可以帮助他们说话;而教授却指出他们的这些肌肉可能是用来生存,而非帮助他们讲话的,因为当时他们生存的环境比较严酷,因此需要这些发达的腹部肌肉来爬山或远足。但是听力中教授在谈到这个观点时的语气也是一种猜测的口吻,所以我们在写这个段落的时候就可以使用虚拟语气。上面划线的这个句子里由于主语在后面的意思中是一个“被动”的意义,所以作者在虚拟语气后采用了被动语态。也许这样说有些考生还是无法完全体会虚拟语气的“强大”之处,因此我们不妨把这个地方改成常规的句子比较一下就可以看出明显的差别:“…these muscles had been used for…”, 改了之后的过去完成时表示的是他们“肯定已经用了腹肌”,这样一来意思完全和教授在讲座中的意思不一样了,所以表达就不够准确。想要获得高分的考生在这个细节上一定要特别注意。
The next point brought up is that deforestation by the Dutch destroyed the dodos’ natural habitats. However, the professor first claims that deforestation did not cover the entire island nor did it kill many other bird species. He next declares that dodos did not nest in trees, so their disappearance should not have bothered the dodo.
Finally, in contrast to the reading’s argument that a disease brought by the Dutch may have killed the dodos, the professor says the dodo population may already have been decliningbefore the Dutch arrived.