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小编:李熹聃 824
摘要:2015年6月6日雅思听力考题回忆及权威解析 by苏州环球教育学校 李熹聃

本次听力考试题型仍保持传统,以填空和选择题为主,附带着地图的配对。其中Section 1Section 4 均为填空题,Section 2由四道单选和六道地图(配对)题组成,Section 3包含了十道选择题,其中六道单选,四道多选(五选二)。题目总体由易及难,对同义词转换要求较高。

S1 12109 搬家咨询  填空10

Moving company details

1. Things need to be designed: piano

2. Need to be carried: an ancient mirror (size 2*2m)

3. A coffee table

4. Cupboard or book shelf: which is wooden  Yet door is made of glass

5. Address 44, Harrivate Street

6-7. Price: 232 (not include insurance)

8. When is the collection time: in the morning

9. Collect side door

10. Parking beside the garage of the house in front ofthe house



S2  OldB14-07206  农业  单选4+地图6

About farming difficulties in Canberra region(Australia) gardening diagram lebelling

11-14 Multiple choice

11. This city is different to other Australia citybecause

A. It is an island city (not near the coast)

B. Located in high altitude

12. What kind of information should be recorded?

A. The duration of the frost

B. Numbers of the frosts

C. The average temperature for planting

(The women said: it is important to keep record of the number of the frosts every night,in order t decide the kind of plants)

13. What does he think of the local rainfall?

A. Plentiful

B. Seasonal

C. Not reliable/predicable

14. What does he think of the soil?

A. It does not help plant absorb the soil

B. Soil contain more minerals (not fertilizer)

C. Too acid.

15-20 Map: match different plants with correct letter inthe map

Hot houseF

15. B North where can offer shade for people

16. D Garage door

17. Ash 白蜡木—C in the Middle of ground

18. H 左上角的空地上

19. A west

20. E



Section3 10333  商业  单选6+多选(524

21. What do both of them agree about reconstruction?

Traditional definition is strictly narrow

22. Many failed business practice are

Dont know current position

23. It is time to reconstruct

24. Why the male recommend the book to Sue? B

25. What did the male email to Sue?

B. To set up a model to do research

26. Why Tom and Sue chose little company to research onre-branding

B. There are plenty of small companies locally

27-28. What about the reconstruction for the ice creamcompany

A.Spend (not) too much on its logo

B.Logo is not too colourful

C.Price rise too high

D.Taste different

E.Too new for customer to accept

29-30. What about the failure of a car-wash company

A.Chose a wrong position

C. Price rise too high


S4   Old   填空10


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