小编:孙红 1639Task 1:
The graph shows the proportion of males in a particular country whoprefer watching sports, compared with that of the males who preferparticipating in sports.
题目是柱状图,说的是一个国家的男士在不同体育项目上喜欢看的比例和喜欢参与的比例之间的对照。首段转述原文;中间段可以分类进行比较,比如可以先写最大的差距是在football上面,喜欢参与和喜欢看的人数比是43%和10%,其次是fishing但需要指出fishing是唯一一个喜欢观看的人少于喜欢参与的人的一项运动(也可以把fishing放到最后写);然后是horseriding andracing,比例是多少。相比较下,Rugby,Basketball和Badminton的比例差异不是太大,比例是多少多少。最后文章总结,可以看出,除了在fishing上面,总的来说喜欢观看运动的人多于参与运动的人。
Task 2:
Television advertising aimed at children nowadays. What are the effectsof television advertising for children? Should television advertising forchildren be controlled?
【题目分析】:媒体类话题,广告是老生常谈的话题,写起来应该比较轻松。建议写的时候多写一点负面的影响,因为第二个问题是要不要controll.不要写偏题,写的时候一定要注意是针对children的。比如关于广告的坏处,我们可以写广告会诱导孩子,比如关于快餐的广告会引导孩子的饮食习惯,使孩子对可乐汽水汉堡等垃圾食品依赖形成不良的饮食习惯或者买很多他们不想要的东西,甚至导致孩子因没钱而犯罪;也会导致孩子们近视。关于广告的好处,我们可以写广告也可以教育孩子,让孩子学到很多知识,了解世界上发生的事情,开阔视野,放松心情,寓教于乐。 最后可以写由于上述提到的好处胜过坏处,应该控制,比如政府应该出台一些政策来规范广告,少一些针对孩子的内容,父母应该在小孩看电视广告的时候给予正确的引导。
Theinfluence of advertising on our lives, for both children and adults, haschanged over the years. In the early days, advertising for toys and otherproducts for children was primarily targeted toward parents and their messagewas direct. Today however, things have changed. Marketing messages are moresophisticated, more pervasive, and are aimed directly at "hooking"kids at a very early age.
Beingmuch more pervasive and less recognizeable as a sales pitch, advertisementshook children into an endless loop of buying more and more products. Forinstance, while eating at a favorite child oriented fast food restaurant, achild may receive a toy. That toy may also be tied to a movie, a cartoon, avideo game, or to a website that offers additional games, toys, and related products. Thereare a seemingly limitless number of products that are then presented to thechild. Subsequently, these subtle messages gradually turn into potential buyingrequests, and at a worse level, children may grow obsessed with buying thingsthey don’t need.
Furthermore,the current trend in advertising exerts a corrupting influence on children’sminds because there are always a lot of unwholesomeand indecent contents inmodern advertisements. For example, products such as wines, lingerieandcosmetics tend to use the female body and amorous scenes as the main attractionof theiradvertisements. What is even worse, a subculture of sexualsuggestiveness andpermissiveness seems to permeate the entire advertisingindustry. Children are often lured away from their studies and indulgethemselves in erotic fantasies.
Therefore,the authorities should take serious steps to counteract the negative effects ofimmoral advertising. One effective approach is to establish and impose a strictcensorshipon all mass media, expunging any sexual explicit and implicitpictures and words from theadvertisements they tend to show. Also, rules andregulations should be laid down to banadvertisements from certain publicplaces, discouraging its rampant omnipresence andcreating a cleaner andhealthier social environment. Furthermore, all local governments canincreasethe costs of all kinds of advertisements to be shown or published throughmassmedia, thus reducing their currently enormous quantities.
In summary,the prevalence of advertising in our modern society and its inimical effectsonthe youth of today must be curbed, otherwise public morality and traditionalcultures andvalues and even the future of the world will be caught in aprecarious situation.