小编:夏明洋 684Task one:
The two pictureshows the layout change of a park from 1980 to now.
Main features:
1.西南区的flower重建为bush, flower上方(above)的pond/bench未作改变。
2.东北区原只有tree, 现在新增picnic chairs and desks(facilities)
4.原花园由墙包围(enclosed by wall)和两个正门(gates), 新花园不存在。(nolonger exists)
5.Road 被扩建(beextended). 原路只通向两个方向(west/south) ,将花园分割成两大区域。新路扩建通向另两个方向(east/north),将花园分给成四个区域。
Task two:
Some peopleprefer to provide help and support directly to those in their local communitywho need it.Others,however,prefer to give money to national and internationalcharitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
解析:本次写作Task two 话题涉及社会类,题型为discuss类。同学们注意写这类问题时勿写成一边倒的形式。
Different individuals have different options in giving help andsupport to others in problems and expect that their helps can always have the maximumeffects. Some people tend to directly support those facing tough situations intheir local communities, while others give credits to the charitableorganizations and money is donated to these organizations prior to peoplereceiving their helps.
Many merits can be found in providing direct helps to the people inneed. The biggest one would be that people can receive the help in a farshorter period than through charitable organizations, which would of greatimportance when people demanding the help is in a emergent trouble. Forinstance, if a little girl is having a terrible disease while her family cannotafford the huge treatment fees, then giving financial help directly to thefamily would obviously works out to be more effective as any postponement ofthe treatment would risk the life of a lovely young girl.
On the other hand, charitable organizations are also beneficialgroups supporting others in the society. Compared to giving helps in a directsolution, charitable organizations aim at resolving problems in a broaderperspective and supporting people in a far larger number of populations.Poverty is a problem that threatens a large number of people and directly givedonations to specific individual may not make any difference to the problem at all.Yet charitable organizations understand how to well manage and distribute thefunds to better improve the situation as a whole. This is why different typesof charitable organizations are established. There would be povertyorganizations providing helps to the poor,AIDS organizations giving helps tothe AIDS patients, and disaster organizations donating money to the countryhaving experienced disasters. They have the quality of resolving problems in abroader scale.
in my opinion. Giving direct helps and donating money to theorganizations are both apt and necessary methods in helping others in modernsociety. They both resolve problems in quite different ways and when we come tohelp others, we need to analyze the problem to decide if we should give directhelps or choose a organization.(346words)
Originated by Matt xia, SuZhou HuanYa, all rights reserved.