小编:钟宜隽 695Part 1:
Hometown (高频)
Major (高频)
Music & instrument
Climate in your city (Sunshine / rain) (高频)
Travel (by train / subway) (高频)
Cooking (高频)
TV program
Computer (高频)
Friends and relatives
Part 2:
1. Anintelligent person you know. (高频)
1. Apark or a garden you have been to.
2. Aplace far away from you home.
3. Atourist attraction.
1. Somethingyou forgot to take with you.
2. Popularproduct made in China (e.g. food, handcraft or car). (高频)
3. Anold object at home. (高频)
2. Letter
1. Anoccasion that you met with an old friend.
2. Yourbusiest experience.
3. Yourfuture plan.
1. Akind of sport. (高频)
2. Awebsite.
3. Anadvertisement.
4. Clothesyou will wear in a special occasion.
Something you forgot to take with you.
这是一道新题,描述一个你忘记带的东西。这道题从内容上看难度不大,但是假如考生没有提前作过相关素材的积累,临场可能会一时确定不了要说的对象。建议考生在考前在雅思口语五大类主题(人物、地点、物品、事件和媒体喜好)下分别至少准备5个素材并练习熟练。针对这道属于物品类的题目,考生可以立刻确定一个准备好的物品素材(即使它不是你曾经忘记带的),稍微变通一下语言,tell some white lies. 忘记带的东西常见的有:钥匙、钱包、证件、文件等。另外考生也可根据题干要求准备相关的一些经历类素材,把“回忆”附加在物品上,例如某次出国忘记带护照,结果失去了一次和朋友团聚的机会;又如因为忘了带家门钥匙,第一次认识了自己的邻居……另外,本题注意使用过去时时态描述。
Describe a park or a garden you have been to.
You should say:
What is this park called.
Where is this park.
What is in the park or garden.
And explain why you love this park.
When it comes to apark, the one that I want to talk about is the South China Botanical Gardenwhich is situated in the Tianhe District of Guangzhou. Built in 1954, it has anareaof 333 hectares. As the biggest tropicalplants garden in China, the multi-purpose botanical garden is home to about 960,000 plants of8,000 varieties.
Those amazingflowers are definitely the highlightof the whole park, with beautiful plants from all over the world, there aremany theme gardens planted peonies, roses, tulips, lilacs, peaches, bonsai, etc.,all these flowers give a fancy flavor to the whole garden.
It’s no exaggeration to say that this is the most impressive and my favoritegarden. Wandering around in South China Botanical Garden is an absolutepleasant thing, the air is so fresh and easy that you can walk through thewhole garden breathing the amazing scent of flowers and grass and enjoying thesparkling dews on the petals. Moreover, the color combination is also super eye-catching.
I think the SouthChina Botanical Garden is the greatest place for flower appreciation andrelaxation.
Useful phrases:
Tropical plantgarden 热带植物园
Be home to …的所在地
Highlight 最精彩的部分
Theme garden 主题花园
It’s noexaggeration to say that 毫不夸张地说
Eye-catching 抓人眼球的