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小编: 116



1)Lexical resource 词汇多样性:

5分关键词:limited flexibility 灵活度不高

由于掌握的词汇有限,在表达意思时,尤其是在接触到某类话题时很受限制,所以会出现所谓的 familiar and unfamiliar topic,即熟悉和不熟悉的话题。

大家也可以注意到,在高分段的评分标准描述中,从来不会出现Familiar and unfamiliar topic这样的字眼,因为当你的语言可以灵活运用到7分水平时,就没有熟悉与不熟悉的区别了。

6分关键词:Wide enough 词汇够用了


7分关键词:Less common and idiomatic vocabulary


2)Grammatical range and accuracy 语法多样性和准确性:

5分关键词:basic sentence 只有简单句

6分关键词:a mix of simple andcomplex structures 简单句与复杂句结合



7分关键词:complex structures复杂结构


3)Fluency and coherence 流利度和连贯性:

5分关键词:repetition, hesitation,self-correction 明显的重复、停顿、自我更正

6分关键词:connectives and discourse discourse markers 连接词和语篇标记

英文口语的逻辑往往是“有形”的,也就是看得出来,很直接的,体现的方式包括使用连接词(例如so, but,…)以及语篇标记(例如  actually, talking about this, as far as…isconcerned, firstly, secondly…)

7分关键词:coherently and appropriately 连贯与得体




STEP1: 词汇——要升级


如果你去看5分的口语答案,里面会有大量的baby words,即小baby才会使用的简单词汇,我们需要将这些词汇进行替换升级,提升语言质感,这也就是使用了less common vocabulary 啦,例如:

  • popular=prevailing/widely-accepted and welcomed (同义词、近义词替换)

  • healthy= improve the fitness levels (动词短语替换)

  • interesting= a source of fun and satisfaction/self esteem (名词短语替换)

  • relaxing =release the stress and stretch the body (动词短语替换)

  • sports =cardio/cardiovascular sports/ aerobic exercises (具体化)



接下来我们看看同样一段对于favourite sport的描述,不同分数段的选手表现如何,划线部分即为替换升级的词汇,红字为加入的细节


My favorite sport is basketball. It’s very interesting and healthy. By playing basketball, I feel relaxed and excited. I’d like to play it with my friends or classmates.

6 / 6.5分

My favorite sport is basketball, which is no doubt a prevailing cardio exercisesports的具体化描述), especially among youngsters.It’s a good option to improve the fitness levels as well asasource of fun and self-esteem. Playing basketball is the most workableway for me to stretch the body and release the stress.


Basketball is demanding in one’s flexibility, coordination and agility of body movementshealthy的具体化描述), so it’s a good way to enhance these performances if I play it frequently. In addition, it’s an amazing cardiovascular exercise, which is beneficial to people with heart problems, because it aids in oxygen circulationand blood distribution throughout the bodyhealthy的具体化描述). Basketball also requires team work toachieve a common objective. The players have towork as a team to guarantee a win.

另外,所谓不常见地道的表达,通常还包括一些搭配,包括名词、形容词、动词短语搭配,都是less common and idiomatic phrase。例如下面两个段落中的标黑部分:

  • What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?

When it comes to treating my guests, I want to offer them a sense of warmth and delight, so I most often opt for tea. Another reason is that tea and biscuits are the perfect combination for many people. If I serve my guests a cup of coffee, this may somehow disturb their sleep atnight. However, some of my father’s friends still order freshly ground and brewed coffee from my house’s kitchen.

  • When did you drink coffee or tea last time?

I have to admit that I drink coffee on a frequent basis, for the sake of my hectic schedule. Yesterday, I made myself a cup of coffee to help me meet my deadline. Honestly, I want to break the habit of overusing coffee, but given my demanding workload, that prospect seems out of the question, at least at the moment. I recently got a tip from the Internet on the time and way to drink coffee, which is in the late morning and afternoon, siping it when you’re stressed, and to stop at least six hours before bedtime.





  • 时态(过去时态、完成时态、将来时态/其他)

  • 被动语态

  • 比较级最高级

  • 虚拟语气

  • 倒装



As an expert in IELTS preparation, Vicky has a perfect command of all the knowledge and skills necessary to nail a high score in the test, and more importantly (and表示并列) the methods to deliver all the messages to students effectively and systematically.


Vicky, who is not only my favourite teacher but also the most celebrated expert in IELTS preparation,(定语从句)has never stopped researching and developing more effective study paths for the candidates, which is also the reason why she’s so popular and admired. (定语从句)


高手的表达都是有严谨的逻辑的,在外国的大学里,做个presentation, group discussion,甚至是即兴的speech都是常有的事,因此,有理有据的陈述也是大家在国外求学必不可少的能力之一。下面就是几个常见的逻辑展现方式及范例:


题目:Is the Internet a good place to learn history?

Yes, it is.

The Internet is definitely an ideal place to learn about history.

(理由一)At least it saves me the trouble of travelling to the classroom in rush hours. As long as I have access to the Internet, I can learn with the teacher from any part of this planet.

(理由二)More importantly, the Internet provides a wide range of resources in various forms, be they articles, pictures and even videos.


moreover, in addition, additionally, furthermore, what’s more, more specifically


题目:How do Chinese people relax?

It depends on the personality.

(情况一) If one is kind of introverted or shy, he might find staying at home being a home bird would be more suitable for him to relax, since he has his own time and space to unwind.

(情况二)If the individual is outgoing or passionate, throwing parties or going to a club would be a preferable way for him to relax.


On one hand, … on the other hand…

For one thing, … for another…




题目:Do you like cycling?

Yes, I do. I’m honestly a big fan of cycling.

(正面)Particularly, when I’m trekking up a hill, my body burns much more calories than doing any other sports, which helps to increase my cardiovascular fitness, improve my balance and flexibility, meanwhile enhance my endurance and stamina.

(反面)Although some people would get injuries while cycling, like having the knees worn or even falling off the bike, I can be perfectly confident that I could avoid these problems.



as opposed to, despite that, on the contrary, in spite of, regardless of, yet


题目:Why do people wearexpensive watches?

The main reason why people like wearing luxury watches is closely related to flaunting wealth and social status, in simple words, vanity.

For example, lots of celebrities prefer leading an extravagant lifestyle such as wearing expensive watches.

I think by wearing brand-named watches people can greatly satisfy their vanity.


for instance, in particular, particularly, in this case, namely, as for, take…as an example


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