小编:吴陈洁 843第一套
Integrated Writing
Use bacteria to clear up the areas pollutedby oil spills
1. Bacteria dominate the ocean andcompete against marine organisms for various resources.
2. The growth of bacteria needsmore nutrients, which attract other organisms to come and grow rapidly. In thisway, the ecosystem is disrupted.
3. As using bacteria is a cheapand effective method, oil-transporting companies may ignore the negative effectsthey have had on the environment.
1. As soon as the target areas arecleared up, bacteria will no longer exist for the only food they feed on isoil.
2. The traditional methods are soslow that when they take effects the animals in the ocean may have beenpolluted and wiped out by chemical components.
3. The companies are still motivatedto preserve the environment for besides the low cost of bacteria other expensesshould be taken into account such as fishing, tourism.
Independent Writing
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?
Nowadaysit is easier to maintain good health than it was in the past.
Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your answer.
现在是否比以前更加容易保持健康。该考题属于常规考题,重复20120526 NA。该话题写支持比较好写,主要可以将health话题扩展为physical health和mentalsoundness
1. 背景引入、表明观点:现在确实比以前更加容易保持健康。
2. 从生理健康角度切入。随着社会的进步,医疗大大改善。医务人员更加专业贴心,医疗设备与时俱进,医院的密集覆盖率、医保制度普及,这些都能使人们有病治病,没病预防。
3. 从心理健康角度切入。现代化的生活给了人各种各样的方式自我放松与解压,如社区服务中心做义工、公共图书馆看书、参加活动交朋友等。这些活动能给平淡的生活带来乐趣,丰富人们的精神生活。
4. 让步段:尽管现在环境污染日益严重,直接威胁人类的生命健康(如空气质量的全面下降)。但是,各国都已经采取措施努力改善该现象,且略有成效。
5. 总结全文。总体而言,人们现在比起以前更容易保持健康。
Integrated Writing
A ban on herbicide is meaningful or not forpreserving monarch, a kind of butterfly
1. We are not so sure of the decreasingnumber of monarch.
2. Milkweeds, the main food formonarch, do not grow on the farm, which means they are hardly affected by the herbicides.
3. People implement a ban on herbicideout of their affection for monarch, but past experiences tell us it is a wrong decision.
1. In winter, monarchs fly fromNorth America to a small place in Mexico and researchers found that theirnumber was indeed declining.
2. Monarch feed on milkweeds, but nowadaysmilkweeds are becoming too rare to support monarch.
3. People can try to use themethod. If the number of the monarch keeps steady or has a rise, it meansherbicides destroy monarch and they should be banned immediately.
Independent Writing
Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?
Studentsnowadays do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past.
Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your answer.
现在学生不像以前那么尊敬老师。该考题也是较典型的古今对比题,重复20120817 NA。该话题写反驳较容易入手,从学生本身角度和“尊敬”的定义角度切入。
1. 背景引入、表明立场:现代学生同样非常尊敬老师。
2. 任何国家,任何时期,尊敬老师都是所有学生必须遵守的基本准则。现代教育制度从以前的教育制度发展进化而来,沿袭了该优良传统,从小培养学生尊师的好品质。如无论何时遇到老师都会亲切问候,对老师甚至会用敬语等。
3. 时代的发展赋予“尊敬”新的定义。过去,很多国家等级观念严苛,所谓的尊敬老师主要体现在是对老师毕恭毕敬、言听计从,但是现在社会“平等”“独立”已成为主流思想。所以,当很多现代学生与老师自由平等的交往并表现出一些过于亲近的动作时就被误解为不尊敬老师。这是对于人们对于现代学生的尊师方式误解。
4. 让步段:尽管现在媒体对于学生不尊敬老师的报道比较多,但是这是属于个别现象并不能影响主流。另外,这样的报道同时也是警戒学生铭记“尊敬老师”。
5. 总结全文。综上分析,现在学生一样非常尊敬老师。