小编: 680真题回放:
Task1 : If you had an opportunity to learn a subject ,what do you want to learn ?
考题分析: 据考生回忆,本次考试的题目跟机经有所不同。 题目中只是问想学的subject, 并不像机经中所说的想学却一直没有学。 所以本题相对来说稍微简单,只要单纯的说想学什么,并且给出相应合理的原因就可以了,不用解释为何一直没有学习过。
解题思路:回答此类题目的关键在于能否给出合理的原因来支撑自己的观点。建议给出两道三个理由,并且将理由细化,具体化。 答案结构如下:
Topic : computer science/ a foreign language/ chemistry / archaeology ....
Supporting : 1. Open mind and eyes ,widen horizon
2. Interested in ...
从个人兴趣爱好出发, 因为一直对这方面感兴趣,所以想学习一下,加深对
3. Enlarge social connection .
Conclusion: so that’s why ....
Key: 理由尽量细化, 给出具体例证。
Sample answer:
Well, personally speaking , If I had a chance to learn a certain subject , I would choose french. I want to master this language for the following reasons .
First of all, learning french can help me open my mind and widen my horizon. Actually ,I have been attracted by France, the beautiful country, since I was in middle school . Learning french can help me know more about french culture such as the history, art, food , custom you name it .
Second. My brother used to study in France, he can speak french fluently. I always hear him communicate in this language with his friends. Under his influence, I found french a beautiful language,and I think it is very charming to speak it.
What’s more, I think learning french can enlarge my social connection. You know, taking french course can offer me an opportunity to know more students from different fields who also interested in french. So I can make new friends easily.
So ,that’s why I want to study french .
答案解析: 答案中给了三个理由 1.了解更多知识,2 受到别人影响, 3. 交到更多朋友。 这三个理由是在task1中表达喜好比较常见的理由,同学们可以尝试着套用这个三个理由来练习其他题目。 如果选的科目是computer science 同样也可利用这个三个理由 1. 了解电脑科技与知识 2. 家人是电脑工程师,从小受其影响,因此很感兴趣。 3.能认识更多的电脑爱好者,扩大社交圈。
Task2: Do you prefer to watch movie in theatre or at home.
考题分析: 此类题是相对比较简单的生活类题目,并且是A,B比较题,既二选一。 答题时给大家两种选择方案。 1, 正面论证(A++) 2,正反论证(A+B-)。 本题由于较为简单,所以两个方案都可以。 重点在于理由必须充分,合理并且生动。
结题思路: 提出观点(one position), 并且给出相应理由(2~3个)。 答案结构如下:
Topic: I prefer watch movie at home
Supporting : 1. Convenient. 在家看电影比较方便,不用出门坐车神马各种麻烦事。
2. Comfortable. 自己在家看电影想怎么看就怎么看, 可以站着坐着躺着, 上厕所还可以暂停,回来继续看。
3. Cheap 在家看电影便宜, 国内有很多网站是可以免费下载电影的,所以在家看电影几乎是可以说免费的。
Sampel answer :
Personally speaking , I prefer to watch movie at home . There are several reasons
First of all. It is very convenient to watch movie at home. I don’t have to walk out, take bus or drive my own car to theatre. I don’t have to queue up to buy the tickets. All I need to do , is sit at home, and enjoy my movie and popcorn. It saves a lot of trouble and time.
What’s more, It is rather comfortable to watch movie at home. I can do what I want in my place while watching movie. I laugh or cry loudly without worry disturb others. I can even lie on my couch place my feet on the table if I want. But if I watch movie in the theatre, I have to behave myself.
Last but not least. Watching movie at home is much cheaper. There are many websites where I can download movies for only little cost in China. So I can spend about 5yuan to watch avengers , transfomers or other exciting movies. However, if I go to theatre, I will have to pay about 50yuan for a single ticket which is much expensive.
So, that’s why I prefer to watch movie at home.
答案解析: 本答案给出在家看电影的了三个好处,并且在每个好处中都进行了相应的对比,是采用了正反论证的方法(A+B-) 三个理由: 便宜 ,方便,舒服是生活类题目中常用的理由。 同学们可以套用这些理由来解答其他类似题目。 注意在表达的时候尽量让答案更加生动,可以适当加入细节。