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小编:长安 182




  Describe a useful APP on phones, computers or tablets you know.

  You should say:

  what the app is

  how long you have used it

  what it is used for

  and explain why you think it is useful.


  Is it convenient to use an APP?

  What are the drawbacks about using an APP?

  Is using an APP more acceptable for the young people than the old?

  Save money

  Describe a method that helps you save money

  You should say:

  What the method is

  When you started to use it

  How you knew it

  and explain why it is helpful

  Part 3

  What can parents do to teach children to save money?

  Why do young people tend to waste money?

  What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country?

  Do schools in China teach anything about financial management?

  What is it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money?

  How do parents give pocket money in your country?

  Creative person

  Describe a creative person that you admire

  You should say:

  Who is this person

  How do you know this person

  What creative things this person likes to do

  And explain why you admire this person

  Part 3

  What can schools do to nurture children’s creativity?

  Why do some people to copy each other’s ideas these days?

  Do you think art can make a person more creative?

  Do you think you were more creative when you were young?

  What’s the most creative thing that you have ever done or made?

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