小编:王可佳 795S1: 新题 填空 旅游咨询 句子填空4 单选3 多选3
内容回忆 inquiry about the tour details
1. Surname:Thorn
2. Length of stay: 5 days
3. Destination airport: Sydney
4. Type of accommodation: apartment
5-7 单选题
5. Client C theme park
6. Animal A. can take pictures closely
7. 住宿挨在哪里 C. shoppingcenter
8-10 多选题
Which three things are required inthe accommodation?
9. E-cleaning
注意名字拼写以及时间 送分题 选项类时也适当注意下干扰项的出现
S2: 旧题 题型:句子填空6个 单选四个 场景:俱乐部发展 机经:B9-05203
11. Introduce 4 members in the group: the lead.The Second. The Third and the skip(skip是团队的核心人物)
12. The length of ice rink is call the sheet
13. The target area is called house
14. The Scottish brushes are made of the horse hair
15. The shoe is made from rubber
16. The team captain carries a stop-watch
17-20 What is the club mentioned famous for?
A. champions
B. the fact that it is the oldest club in the region
C. the fact that it is the most influential one
18. Why was this club established?
A. to attract people’s interest
B. to train young players
C. to fix regulations for the game
19. In the 16th century, the curling gamewas not banned because
A. it was not popular
B. It can train players for the battle
C. it was played by children
20. The early implement for the game in Canada is madeof?
A. local material
B. imported stone
C. cast iron
17道选择题可以通过两两相似原则把答案定位到BC两者之间去选择 注意curling场景的补充
S3: 旧题 单选4个 配对6个 场景:作业讨论 版本:B13-09305
内容:关于presentation的作业讨论,谈及JUST-IN-TIME system
21-24 单选题
21. What did the student(Ron) learn?
A. the originator of JUST-IN-TIME
22. in the student’s essay, which part was omitted?
B. the definition of JUST-IN-TIME
C. the application of JUST-IN-TIME market
23. Where was the materials for presentation found?
A. Internet (first tried on the Internet, but didn’tfind enough information)
B. Magazines
C. textbook (later found information in Japanese textbook)
24. the tutor thinks JUST-IN-TIME system doesn’t suitservice industry because
A. service products are not accountable (unlike manufacture industry)
B. JUST-IN-TIME system is not popular
C. Clients think JUST-IN-TIME system is not convenientenough
25-30 配对题 (8选6)
A. Too formal
B.Too irregular
C.Too sudden
D.Too technical
E.Too unenthusiastic
G.Loosely related
H.Too vague
25.speed of speech delivery – B (too fast too slow)
26.purpose – A
27.vocabulary- D (academic)
28.transit – C (ideas turned very quick)
29.visual aid –G (pictures having nothing to dowith the research)
30.body language – E ( the student doesn’t like thetopic, so his performance is not very good)
S4:新题 学术讲座 句子填空 10 版本号: B14-09416P16
内容回忆: 藏红花(染料,香水,药用, 洗浴)
31.number of saffron 50 grams made :14000
32. method of preservation:by drying
33. to sell it as powder
Modern Usage
34. diet of rice/common dishes (and is widely used incooking in many cuisines)
Medical applications
35. to treat disorders of eyes
36. in a rats experimentto avoid light damage (early studiesshow that saffron may protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright lightand retinal stress apart)
Domestic applications inAncient countries
37. in ancient Greek andancient Crest, people dye for clothes
Ancient Rome
38. cosmetics
39. In bath, it is used asperfume for women
40. Persian (Iran) dye forcarpets