小编:姚雪 6482015年08月29日雅思写作考试权威点评
环球教育苏州分校 姚雪
【作文题目】: The pie charts show thepercentage of different energies produced in a country in 1985 and 2003.
【词汇补充】占据:Makeup; take up; account for; provide; constitute; represent; occupy; comprise;form; be responsible for; be shared by
Sample answer:
The two pie charts present an overview of how the totalproduction of six energy groups altered between 1985 and 2003.
Itcan be seen clearly that oil and coal were the major fuels in both years, whilethe proportion of the former dropped remarkably from 52% to 39%, the latterexperienced a moderate increase from 17% to 22%. Surprisingly, nuclear powerand natural gas, which accounted for the same percentage in 1985(13%), had compriseddistinguishable diverse ratios by 2003 (8% and 22% respectively).
Asan alternative fuel, the percentage of hydropower remained perfectly steady at4% during the period from 1985 to 2003. However, other forms of energy doubledover the given eighteen years, equaling that of hydropower in 2003.
Overall, non-renewable resources such as coal andoil made up over half of this country’s whole energy, despite the changingtrend.
【作文题目】 Some people believe thatthe increasing business and culture between different countries is a positivephenomenon, however, others believe that this could lead to loss of nationalidentities. Please discuss both views and give your own opinion.
08.07.26 Some people think internationalcooperation has brought benefits to world environment protection, while somepeople think more benefits has been brought to international business. Discussboth views and give your own opinion.
10.06.17 Societies benefit from internationaltourism and business. To what extend do you agree or disagree.
因果关系引入:由于全球化的进程(the process ofglobalisation),近年来国家间的经济和文化往来突飞猛进(the exchange of economyand culture among different nations has advanced astoundingly) ,这件事情的利弊引起了激烈的争论(When it comes to whether such a phenomenon ispositive , opinions vary from person to person),本篇文章就要对于它的优缺点分别进行论述。
Para2: Body paragraph 1 (积极趋势的理由)
理由一:各国间增长的经济互动可以刺激发展(stimulate economic improvement),实现共同进步(prompt mutual development)。例如,大型跨国公司的扩张带来了大量的就业岗位,尤其对于欠发达国家来说(the widespread of multinational companies generates substantialemployment opportunies, especially for those countries that are below theaverage level) ;再如,欧洲经济共同体自成立以来,由于畅通的经济交流实现了资源利用和利益的最大化(Ever since the establishment of European Economic Community, due to theascending financial interaction, its member states have fulfilled the maximumusage of various resources and achieved the optimal benefits)。
理由二:除此之外,增长的文化交流有利于消除种族歧视(eliminate racial prejudice)。信息不完全是产生矛盾的根本原因,而沟通是打破文化屏障的重要方式(It is widely accepted that information asymmetry is the root ofcontradiction. Accordingly, fluent communication can be an effective tackle inknocking down cultural barriers.) 。
Para 3: Body paragraph 2 (消极趋势的理由)
另一方面来说,过快发展不可避免会导致文化的丢失(There is no denyingthat),第一点(for one thing),美国快餐文化(Americanfast-food culture)已经渗透(permeate)到了世界各地,尤其是在年轻人间,在不同城市包围着我们的都是大企业的标志(brands used by large overseas companies),城市趋于一体化(monotonous)。除此之外,由于全球化少数民族的语言也处于不断灭绝的危险中, 据预测,到2050年全球一半的语言都会丢失(The planet’s linguistic diversity is shrinking at anunprecedented pace. It is estimated that half of the world’s languages arelikely to vanish within two generations)。
Para 4:Conclusion
综合考虑到经济发展、种族屏障和文化多样性(Taking economicgrowth, ethnic impediment and cultural variety into consideration),我赞同国家间增强经济和文化是一件利大于弊的事情(I am a strong supporter of theformer view that the continuing rise of business and culture is a blessing ratherthan a curse)。