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小编:吴陈洁 688
摘要:1. High salary attracts more teachers to work atschool.

2. By raising salaries for teachers, candidatesoutside the education fields but with professional knowledge may be attractedto apply for the position.

Integrated Writing

Topic: Whethersigning bonus is beneficial for hiring teacher at school

Reading: YES

1. High salary attracts more teachers to work atschool.

2. By raising salaries for teachers, candidatesoutside the education fields but with professional knowledge may be attractedto apply for the position.

3. The contract of signing bonus preventsteachers from leaving their position before the end of school year.

Listening: Challenge the points in thereading

1. Salary is not the only concern for a teacherto choose a school, and other factors are equally important such as how goodthe labs and the libraries are.

2. If a person wants to be a teacher, he or sheneeds a teaching certificate which costs much time and efforts. And even, he orshe may quit the original job and become quite stressed out.

3. Even if a teacher stays in a school due to thecontract, he or she may feel trapped or unhappy and eventually the quality ofteaching will certainly be influenced.

Independent writing

Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?

For any business to be success, company mustspend a lot of money on advertising.


企业要获得成功是否应该花很多钱在打广告上?该话题属于综合话题考察,既考查了媒体类的advertising又涉及到成功话题How can a business succeed?


考生审题时需格外仔细,原题在提出时有一个极端词“must”,这样的字眼出现就容易成为众矢之的,所以本文写作时观点写disagree就变得非常简单。Brainstorming可以从How can a business succeed?开始。企业的成功的方法很多,广告固然是其中一种但还有更重要的,如产品品质的保证,企业的经营理念等等。只要择其一做深入探讨即可。


Para 1: 开头段。引出话题,挑明观点:企业的成功不一定要依赖广告。

Para 2: 让步段。说明广告对于企业发展、成功起到的重要作用,添加具体描述,但段尾进行反驳,说明企业的成功不一样要把钱花在广告上,还可以花在其他更重要的方面。

Para 3: 主题段。说明企业可以将原本投入在广告上的钱来引入更新的管理理念和更先进的技术上,从而既保证产品的质量又能提高生产效率,从而提高产品口碑,使公司从长远角度获利。

Para 4: 结尾段。总结观点,重申结论。

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