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小编:周敏 852
摘要:2015年12月05日雅思写作考试权威点评 by环球教育苏州分校 周敏


【作文类型】flow chart






The flow chart illustratesthe whole process of producing olive oil. / The flow chart describes how toproduce olive oil.


There are seven main steps involved in the whole process of olive oilmanufacture. At the first stage, olives are gathered through people pickingfrom the olive trees. At the next step, olives are put into a cold-water tankfor rinsing. Then those refrigerant olives are orderly arranged on a belt thatwill be transported into another tank for smashing, which will produce olivestones and olive paste in two separate pipes. The pipe with pastes then is transferred to a jar for hog in the fourthstep –and holes will be cut on the cover of the small jar. In the fifth stage,the pastes are pressed by a large mill. After beingpressed, the olive oil and water will be separated in the sixth step. At thefinal stage, olive oil will be stored in bottles, ready for sale.

(152 words)


【作文题目】Today we are surrounded by all kinds of advertising and thisis having an increasing effect on our lives. Do the positive effects ofadvertising outweigh the negative effects?  


【题材类别】媒体类 广告



Thesociety would benefit from a ban on all forms of advertising because it servesno useful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree ordisagree with this opinion?


We are surrounded by all kinds ofadvertising, which is having an increasing influence on our lives. Do thepositive effects outweigh its negative effects?


positive effects VS negativeeffects


1. 提供产品信息,是消费者和生产商之间的桥梁(bridge the gapbetween consumers and manufacturers

2. 刺激购买冲动,增加产品销量,促进经济发展(evokeimpulse buying, boost sales, and promote economic development)


1.       广告费提高了商品的价格(add to the cost of theproducts )

2.       广告只提及产品的优点,是一种不公平、不全面的信息,会夸大产品功能,误导观众,作出错误购买决定(claim product’sadvantages only; unjust; exaggerate; misleading)

3.       广告是一种不受欢迎的信息(unwelcome information)

结论: 广告弊大于利。

Sample Answer

Para 1: Introduction.(背景引入,摆明立场)

People today are fed up with thevolume of advertisements generated by the various media sources such asnewspaper, TV, and the Internet. In many cases they have become mandatory partof people’s lives, whose influence can be either constructive or destructive. Myview is that increasing use of advertising has detrimental effect on society.

Para 2: BodyParagraph 1(分论点)

There is no doubt that advertisingplays a pivotal role in bridging the gap between consumers and manufacturers. Withoutcommercials, there will be nowhere to get the related information of what thecustomers want. Adverts help producers to promote their products. Moreover,advertising is an essential way to boost the economy. For instance, a largenumbers of people are taking advantage of commercials to pick up some bargainsthrough advertisements, which evokes impulse buying and thus stimulates sales.

Para 3: BodyParagraph 2 (分论点2)

However, there are also somedemerits of advertisements. In order to increase profits, advertisers are moreopted to exaggerate the functions of a particular product that mislead peopleto have regretful purchases. Furthermore, advertisements portray extravagantpictures of the products. With the assist of these tempting advertisements, ourlifestyles will be corroded by constantly exposing the luxuries. This isactually encouraging the public to be materialistic and destroying our alreadyfragile environment as well. In addition, it costs a huge sum of money forcommercials to appear on television, which consequently will increase the priceof the products.

Para 4: Conclusion(总结)

In conclusion, I would like to say advertisinghas more disadvantages that outweigh the advantages. The information containedin adverts is unwelcome and misleading, which can easily affect the public in ourinformation era. I hold that the influence is negative in spite of thecontributions to the domestic consumption and economic growth.



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