小编:江艳 1086Section1 V100717 电话去预订票 ( ticket booking) 填空题
1. 女生的名字: Bittens
2. Group booking discount 团体票有优惠,9折
3. 一共有3adults, 每人£ 23each
4. 17children: £12.5 each 儿童票更优惠
5. Seatchoice: the back row of the circle 因为女生说他们电影中间可能要进进出出,后面方便.
6. 一个need a wheelchair
7. Betteraccess to lift
8. Ticketswill collect from: car park
9. Theyare : vegetarians
10. Food :pizzas (cheese and potato)
Section2 新题 cycling的活动,关于路线,路人注意事项和参与者的注意事项
4配对(地图)+6 选择
11-14map matching
11. rocks
12. forest
13. National Reserve
14. 待补充
15-20multiple choice
15. 你在骑行过程中会得到的warning
C.there may be animals in the way. 可能会有动物挡路
C opened recently
17.在visitorcenter 可以干什么事情
A.you can hire a bike
18. 如果你想在A…E….两地往返,你需要做的是
B.during the weekends
19. 题目不确定
A.takes a long time
20. 如果你想参加cycling ,相关信息的来源
Bstation website
Section 3 新题 两个环境学业的学生关于pigeon的研究(不同国家和种类的pigeon的特性,包括外形,习性) 5配对+5选择
A eatmeat
B.eata particular plant
D.singfor mating
E.attact other species
F.communicate with wings
Gavoids grounds
H.bright color
21.Australiacrest pigeons F
22.Rockpigeons C
23.Black banded pigons G
24.一种Bon开头的鸽子 D(不能吃肉,会中毒)
26-30multiple choice
26.Australia 的城市里的很多人喂鸽子导致的后果是:
A 数量增加 B. overweight (因为人们喂得并不是自己做的食物, 而是junk food) C.unhealthy
27. Melboure government 采取的最有效的 方法
A.move habitation of pigeons out of city
C.produce room which pigeons can live
A.buildmore nests B. educating public
29.Commentson the second scheme(没有被采取的method)
affecthuman health
Section4 V101030 关于男女在职场中面对竞争时的差异的lecture 填空
31.Phenomenon: only 2% top of jobs are women
32.womenare weaker in three sides: math, science and engineering.
33.womanhave the same ability as men 的情况下不被equally treated
34. comparedto male, female will be treated unfairly with the same skill &ability
35. workload
36.menare more confident
37.women are not willing to take risks
38.women don't want to take competitive feedback
39.femalecant enjoy challenges like man.
40.femaleis unwilling to accept challenge, which will affect their future salaryand working opportunity