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小编:李帆 1142
摘要:describeyour first cellphone, a good law in your country, a piece ofadvice sb ever gave you, describe a city you visited, describe aninteresting animal you like, describe sth special you took home from yourholiday, describe a foreign language you want to learn

五月为雅思口语换题月,正如预测出现了大约三分之一的新题。PartOne仍然延续的旧题有name (special meaning),work or study,school/college (why), hometown,

major,subject (like ordislike/career plan),house or apartment(move),cooking (help/children),clothes (kind, special occasion), sports/relaxactivity (indoor or outdoor/childhood activities)。第一部分新题有:food,map, fav day in a week

street market (vs shopping mall), musem

Part Two三个类别出现了新题,分别是人物类,物品类,地点类。

人物类新题:describea subject/course you like to give information to others

物品类新题:describeyour first cellphone, a good law in your country, a piece ofadvice sb ever gave you, describe a city you visited, describe aninteresting animal you like, describe sth special you took home from yourholiday, describe a foreign language you want to learn

地点类新题:aplace you want to have a home, describea place far away from your home you’ve traveled to


Describeanother language (not English) that you would like to learn.

What language it would be

How you would learn it

What equipment or facilities you would need to studythis language

And explain why you would choose this language.

well there are quite a few languages that I wouldlike to learn, but probably the one I’d like to learn most is French, partlybecause I think it sounds really nice, and also because France is a countrythat I’d really love to visit sometime. And so if was able to speak French, Iwould then be able to communicate with the locals, which I think would give mea much better understanding of the country.

Anyway, as for how I would learn it, well I guessfirst of all I would try and find a decent self-study course on the Internet.And as well as that, I suppose another thing I would do would be to look for ateacher, preferably a native speaker if possible, because I would then be ableto get feedback on what I was doing right and wrong. And having a nativespeaker as my teacher I think would be extremely beneficial in terms of developinga good accent.

And regarding what equipment I would need to studyFrench, well thinking about it, I suppose it would be more or less the same aswhat I’ve been using for learning English, so basically a laptop and mp4player, with which I would be able to dowload various things like podcasts andother learning materials onto.

So that’s probably how I would learn the language,and finally, with regard to what difficulties I think I might encounter, wellfirstly, I imagine I might have quite a bit of difficulty with thepronunciation, as it’s so different to Chinese. I mean, there are so manysounds in French which we don’t have in our language, so I’m sure it would takean extremely long time to speak it well. And besides the pronunciation, I guessit might also be pretty difficult mastering the grammar, simply because everylanguage has its own set of grammar rules, and I’m sure French is no exception!

So yeah, I suppose that’s about it then. Thanks forlistening!

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