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  每次新托福考试后,抱怨得最多的始终都是口语部分。很多学生表示口语太悲剧:遇到新题是悲剧,押中题目没答好也是悲剧。思维稍微错乱一下5秒就空白了,舌头稍微打个结就来不及讲完了… 其实各位考托福的同学请一定要调整好心态,托福口语本来就不是中国学生的强势科目。口语分数如果希望考到25以上,靠两三个月的突击背模板是不够的,需要的是长久的练习,使自己的回答符合托福口语考试对语音语调,流利度,词汇语法和话题拓展等各方面的要求。下面苏州环球北美考试院的刘莉老师第一时间带大家来分析一下本周考试真题。



  Question 1:

  Talk about a friend of yours and how you met this person. Use details and examples to explain your answer.


  本题有两问看似不常规,实则完全可以套用人物题来回答。首先可以交代认识的过程和场合等,可以解释成为挚友的原因,如机遇,兴趣,朋友的性格特点等, 根据时间用准备的关键词进行选择性套用。


  I would like to talk about my special-interest friend - Irene. I met her in an art club on campus two years ago. To my surprise, we had so many things in common, like we had the same outlook on life, we had the same taste in music, and both of us were learning to play piano and improvisation. Nothing is more pleasant than sharing your interests and hobbies. Since then, we became bosom friends. Also, she is a good listener and always emotionally available for me. For example, when I encounter difficulties, she offers me sound advices and timely help. When I am depressed, she gives me a listening ear and a warm shoulder. We are supportive of each other, sharing joys and sorrows.

  真题回放Question 2:

  Some students like to take notes in class; others prefer to mainly listen to the teacher. Which do you prefer and why? Use examples and details to explain your answer.


  本题基本重复2009.08.01的北美考题:Some students should take notes when having class, others think it is unnecessary or seldom to take notes. What’s your opinion? 课堂原题,本题属校园学习类常规话题,可按十大黄金原则扩展,  如效率原则,学习经验原则,性格原则,相对性原则等均可适用。


  Speaking in Template:

  Topic Sentence: Personally, I prefer to take notes rather than simply listen to the teacher.

  Supporting details: Firstly, taking notes helps me to concentrate. I need to pay close attention to teacher’s words and it’s easier for me to keep up with the lecture, if I am constantly taking notes. Otherwise, like some other classmates who mainly listen to the teacher, their attentions are easily dispersed by phones or by taking to each other.

  Additionally, I, sometimes, have trouble remembering the material from class, so if taking notes, I can review the notes as soon as possible after class when the material is still fresh in my mind, which can definitely enhance learning efficiency. I can also underline things or look up later.

  Task 3: 考生回忆

  【学校通知】:Reading: The University is going to add a kitchen to the students' dormitory building.

  Reason 1: Students can practice their cooking skills

  Reason 2: Students can benefit from it

  【学生议论】:Listening: The man disagrees.

  Reason 1: Spare room in dorms should be reserved for TVs and stuff to entertain friends

  Reason 2: Students are too busy to study recipes, not to mention to cook for themselves, the dorms are either for relaxing or for studying.

  Task4 考生回忆:

  【课文要点】:Reading: False signaling is when an animal sends out misleading signals to attract other animals.

  【教授举例】:Listening: Female moths usually release a chemical smell to attract and lead male moths, but spiders can send out a similar signal to deceive and mislead male moths.

  Task5 考生回忆:

  【学生困难】:The woman has to carry her bike up and down the stairs and she is tired of it.

  【解决方案】:1, 车停外面可能会生锈;

  2. 车停在同学那不方便

  Task6 考生回忆:

  【讲课要点】:Advocacy and direct services are two ways non-profit organizations make contributions to the society.


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