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〖真题回放〗 综合写作  讲的是prescribed burning,就是定期在森林里面放点小火烧一烧,然后就可以降低森林自然起火的情况了。passage里面讲这种东西不好,lecture说好。 passage 1.这样子会烧到野生动物 it is a threat to animals,especially nesting animals. 2.会造成气体污染(CO2和其他乱七八糟的) increasing pollution level. CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere and other chemicals can cause acid rain. if the wind blows the dusts elsewhere it will further increase the pollution level. 3.没什么用,该烧的还是会烧,纯属浪费人力物力财力。 it might cause natural fires, so that people will have to spend more time, money and resource.   lecture 1.在动物的非繁殖季节进行,所以只有成年动物,并且prescribed burning比较慢,他们想跑随时可以,所以对野生动物是没有影响的。 2.烧得慢,the vegetations will absorb co2, 所以保证新的植物长出来,就不会产生什么对大气有害的气体了。 3.这个事实证明是有用的……本来就可以烧掉可能导致森林大火的枯树枝,之后即使发生什么由雷电引起的自然火灾,危害也变小了很多。   独立写作  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: today people will be more happier if they have fewer possessions.  

The sense of possessing great wealth and property might have given human beings the feeling of secure and happy. We see nowadays, many people are devoting all their time and energy in order to get more possessions. But do they really make us a lot happier or are they burdens to us? Different people have quite varied world views, and thus there are distinct answers to the above mentioned question. As far as I am concerned, I fully agree with the idea the people would be happier if they had fewer possessions. I mainly have to points to support my opinion. First of all, fewer possessions means less concern and fewer worries. If I don’t have a car, I do not need to worry about the insurance, the fine tickets, and the gas price and so on. But if I buy one, all these things pop up in front of me and I have to spend time and energy to deal with them. Having more possessions can make us happy at the moment we acquire them or at the very beginning. But since the moment we possess them, we have devote a lot to maintain them or take care of them. For example, my uncle is a very successful businessman. He has his company and he holds a lot of valuable stock shares. But according to my observation, he is rarely happy. What he does every day is busy dealing with the contracts and customers. And when there is a big hit in the stock market, his eyebrows frowned because the money he losses. I do believe that if my uncle possesses less, he won’t have that much stuff to worry about and he can be happier. In addition, great number possessions tend to confine people’s life and prevent people from making great changes in life. Modern people work very hard to buy apartments, cars, and high tech products. These things tend to define who we are, and at the same time confine our life. For example, if people are not happy with the status and want to make a change, these big properties prevent us from taking the step forward. People are discouraged when the selling price of the apartment is not satisfactory, and they are not happy thinking they cannot take the car if planning to relocate to another city or country. These burdens make us stuck with the life we already have. America’s writer Thoreau abandoned all his things and chose to live by the Walden Lake because he did not have much back then and he was able to make a change in his life according to his own free will. Admittedly, more wealth and more possessions symbolizes prosperity and advancement. But still, I find them to be burdens to modern human beings. Sometimes, more stuff brings more worries and concerns to us and takes all the fun and happiness. What is more, possessing more mean more responsibility and less free choice. The possessions prevent people from making a brave decision and take the risk of making a big change in life. So I agree that with fewer possessions, we can be a lot happier.

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