小编:刘莉 1892本场考试为加考,苏州环球北美考试院的刘莉老师给大家第一时间汇总全套的机经,可供大家备考参考。
Passage One: Dating theGeologic Age of the Earth 地球年龄测定
第一种是根据化石(fossil)的演化率(evolutionary rate)来测定(date). 这个方法的问题在于演化率不稳定,同时得到的化石也会受到损害。
Passage Two: VenetianWater Problems 威尼斯水问题
后来开始用储水器(cistern)来收集雨水,但是这个事情是physicallyand socially complex. 后来发展了城市供水系统。
13-15世纪又另外建了一些cistern, 中间暂停了一段时间,欧洲其他的城市爆发了瘟疫(plague)。后来cistern的供水跟不上需要,有人用船去最近的河流中打水过来卖。政府支持这个做法,并且还设想了其他好多方案,但是最终都胎死腹中,因为缺钱的问题。
Passage Three: MotionPicture and Camera 电影的起源
M拍摄了24张马的照片来证明某个时刻马的四脚离地。之后爱迪生发明了motioncamera, 一开始失败是因为不知道如何使得film快速通过camera, 后来通过打孔解决了。
之后爱迪生发明了K,投币看short film,但小屏幕只容许一个人看,如果一大群人一起看就卖不出这么多的机器了。后来欧洲人改良了,他迫于无奈只好升级为大屏幕的V。
Conversation 1:
一个学生找生物学教授,有关research paper有问题,因为实验不能模拟真实的自然环境,理由是:1. 不能够跟踪动物。2.设备太大不方便。但是现在有一些设备比较先进能够进行这样的实验,学生能够出席,但是这些项目不是很充足。
Conversation 2:
Lecture 1:
话题:能力是可以相互转换的,比如heat可以转化成light,然后有人一直致力于研究一种机器,可以转化出纯粹的能量,比如转化出来的能量只有light, 而不是既有light又有heat, 然后开始举例子fire可以产生light, 但是同时也会释放出大量的heat,而light bulb会释放出少量的heat,但是灯管中有有毒的mercury。
Lecture 2:
Lecture 3:
动物要在salt mater里面生活的话,需要有saltgland, 当盐水进入的时候,吸收水,然后把盐水排出来,然后举了海蛇的例子,说他们可能gland insufficient, 所以它们喝的是freshwater, 可是海里面没有fresh water,就发现原来是下雨了之后,在海上形成了lens, 海蛇可以喝lens, lens越lasting的地方,海蛇也越多。
Lecture 4:
主题:介绍Pride and Prejudice的作者Jane Austin. 她小时候没有接受formaleducation, 一周都是自己看书所以写作风格和别人不同,她不comment,但是会criticize,她在自己和家人看过的书上都会写上自己的opinion, 自己描写的人物也在做平时生活中的人们在做的事,她还会引用以前的人书中的内容,然后讲了另一个也用别人内容的作家,经过正规教育,他文章显示出他很高的造诣,他引起古代的文章句子,证明他在图书馆看过很多书,跟Austin相比文章风格很不同。
Task 1: Talk about a type of clothing that is popularin your country.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree: University studentsshould take part-time jobs.
Reading: The school is planning to buildan art history building.
R1: the theatre has limited seats
R2: it’s furnished with technologicalequipment
Listening: The girl agrees.
R1: Last semester, she didn’t get toregister the Chinese art history because the theater can only seat a fewstudents.
R2: The screen that professor used before istoo small. It’s hard to clearly see the details which is very important toarts.
Task 4:
Reading: tree communicating means treeswarn other trees to avoid insects’ attack through air.
Listening: In the lecture, trees weredivided into two groups. The researcher only put caterpillars in the firstgroup. Surprisingly, the two groups of trees both produced poisonous liquidbecause the first group sent signals to the second group.
Task 5:
The woman needs to pay housing and tuition,but her budget is tight.
Solution1: She can work for parttime in the library. In this way, she can read the books in the library. Butshe has a lot of homework to do. If she works in the library, she can only doher homework at night.
Solution 2: She can cook byherself instead of eating in the dining hall. It saves money. Besides, she is agood cook.
Task 6:
In the lecture, the professortalks about two types of business.
The first type is primarybusiness. For example, if a company wants to sell cell phones, they will useadvertisement to show customers how good the phone is, like how convenient itis.
The second type is secondarybusiness. For example, if other companies also sell cell phones. To gain themarket share, they will use secondary business which is to show how good thephone is by comparing with other brands, like the size of the phone, and it hasvarious features.
Integrated Writing
1. 有助于保温 Protection against losing heat
2. 防止真菌感染 protection against fungi spores infection
3. 避免接收月光,以此跟随季节变化 eliminate the nighttime light: moon light, 以此让它们可以track the season
Plant fold leaves at night
1. 没有帮助,因为植物没有internal heat, 在遇到冷的天气,尤其是冰点以下是不能避免冻害。
2. 下雨时即便叶子闭合,也会有少量雨水进入,而真菌之需要少量雨水即可,因此没有意义。
3. 举反例:在一些denser森林中,有些植物即便在树荫下接受不到月光,也会闭合叶子,因此需要其他的解释,some other reasonsmay explain.
Independent Writing
Moving to a new placeor new city is not a good idea because of the loss of old friends.