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2021-06-25 16:35


小编:环小鱼 22


1. Some students enjoy decorating theirsurroundings; others choose to keep their surroundings simple and free of any decorations.Which do you prefer and why?

2. Some people believe that we should notdiscuss the private activities of popular people, like movie stars and singers.Do you agree or disagree?


3. Many people think that students studycourse materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think thatstudents learn more effectively through doing other activities such as writinga paper or completing projects. Which do you think is more effective forstudents to learn?

4. One of your friends decided to studymore courses in order to graduate one year earlier, do you agree or not agree?

5. Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? The best decision is made by groups instead of byindividuals.

6. Some professors prefer to answer students’questions at the end of the lecture, and others stop at different points toanswer students’ questions. Which style do you think is better for learning?

7. Big cooperation is planning to invest ina factory in your hometown. This factory will create many job opportunities forpeople, but also bring a lot of pollution at the same time. Do you agree ordisagree?

8. Do you agree or disagree that thegovernment should pass a law to fine people who use mobile phones when crossingthe street?

9. Which would you prefer: start a projectas early as possible or wait until the deadline?

10. Some people like surprise visits fromtheir friends, while others prefer to be informed of such visits. Which one doyou prefer and Why?

11. Some people get to know a person by thefirst observation while others believe that it takes a long time to know aperson well. Which one do you prefer and explain why.

12. Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets.

13. Your university will allow people fromthe local community to learn the course on campus, they could enter into theclass, but can’t ask questions and don’t have assignments. Do you think this isa good idea? Explain why or why not?

14. Which one do you prefer: taking classesin the morning or in the afternoon?

15. Many students are asked to evaluatetheir professors at the end of the semester. Do you think it is a good idea?Why or why not.

16. Some people think with the developmentof technology and Internet, libraries will disappear, while others thinklibraries are always necessary. Which one do you agree  and please give specific details to supportyour opinion.

17. If you have a misunderstanding withyour friend, do you prefer talking out in public like a restaurant or in aprivate place?

18. Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? The school wants to close down the computer lab becausestudents all have laptops. 19. Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? The purpose of art is to guide our life. 20. Some people prefer togive their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?

19. Do you agree or disagree with thefollowing statement? The purpose of art is to guide our life.

20. Some people prefer to give theiropinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others’ opinionsbefore giving their own. Which one do you think is better?
